
Hi all. I will not continue BISLY since other readers are asking to take it down. I will check other novels you suggested for the adaptation for Lisrene. I am sorry to everyone. 


@chaesbaee Oh My!! You still haven't learnt your lesson? It's not right to make adaptations of random novels just because that story is great or you personally like it! You might even get banned if the original author gets serious with the issue! So don't take any risk in the future!!! Also, I see Sweetest Top Actresses in my home story in your list, isn't that the title of one popular novel from Webnòvel as well? Be careful with that.


@enthu_reader i am sorry for what happened. It is not my intention to grab credit for your book. I saw this translated in a website and thought it was really a great story. I did not say I own the story but yes it is my fault since I didn't find the author to ask permission to change the characters in your novel. 


@chaesbaee of course it will look like you are writing the story. You changed the cover, didn't mention my name anywhere in the synopsis or gave me credit that it was my book and even changed the character names of my story. Why would anyone think that it's not your book but an adaptation? You cannot make adaptations without permission just like that and you are openly asking for suggestions for other novel for adaptation? You still didn't learn that this is stealing!


Im always excited and waiting when you will updates the stories.... Now it's  sad you will not continue to update the story 


Don't delete my comment because I've reported your account to wp. Earlier a person stole my story on wp and wp banned her account  


@chaesbaee unfair for the other readers but anyways looking forward for your new stories  


Hi all. I will not continue BISLY since other readers are asking to take it down. I will check other novels you suggested for the adaptation for Lisrene. I am sorry to everyone. 


@chaesbaee Oh My!! You still haven't learnt your lesson? It's not right to make adaptations of random novels just because that story is great or you personally like it! You might even get banned if the original author gets serious with the issue! So don't take any risk in the future!!! Also, I see Sweetest Top Actresses in my home story in your list, isn't that the title of one popular novel from Webnòvel as well? Be careful with that.


@enthu_reader i am sorry for what happened. It is not my intention to grab credit for your book. I saw this translated in a website and thought it was really a great story. I did not say I own the story but yes it is my fault since I didn't find the author to ask permission to change the characters in your novel. 


@chaesbaee of course it will look like you are writing the story. You changed the cover, didn't mention my name anywhere in the synopsis or gave me credit that it was my book and even changed the character names of my story. Why would anyone think that it's not your book but an adaptation? You cannot make adaptations without permission just like that and you are openly asking for suggestions for other novel for adaptation? You still didn't learn that this is stealing!


This person is plagarizing the work of my fellow author and instead of deleting this work, she blocked her. But no worries, the account will be reported to WP soon. Whoever has read this work, please be careful because this person steals the work. 


This is the message from original author : 
          "I am author enthu_  reader and I am the owner of this 0riginal book which I have published on Web @ novel platform. This book is a contracted book on Web  @ novel and one of my readers reported to me that you are ste@ling my novel, taking credits and even changing character names! Please delete this book from WP as this is copy_right infringement."