
im back!! apologies to any threads i was in :(


tagged by @AdventurousA awhile ago XD love u 
          The Rules:
          - You have to put five facts about yourself
          - can't be in the comments/replies
          - you have to complete this before a week or there will be punishment! :o
          - don't forget to post the rules
          - don't back out!
          - tag fifteen people
          welp, here goes nothing! 
          1) I have anger issues and I hate it
          2) I love green fruits and vegetables... as long as they're green, i'll eat them.
          3) Highkey always wishing I were white. Life would be easier -.-
          4) I kinda never know when to shut up? Like when I go off.. I go off!
          5) I hate hypocrites, even though I can be a hypocrite sometimes.. which is very hypocritical of me XD
          @Padaliki @outlandish- @victorious-monkey @DevilsInOurHearts  @chaosdearest- @endlesstwilight @irunthis @hierarchy-
          @Laughing_Demon @kairazoemagaway @angashlynn @voidsgges  @mrith- @ThePhoenixHasRisen @Larrys_Lady


@ceruleanro love chu too! 
            High five on #4 and #5


look below this post (after reading this)
          1. It's necessary to post all of the rules. 
          2. You must post 13 things about yourself. 
          3. You can't refuse.
          4. You shall complete this in one week, or you will be given the target of a chosen punishment. 
          5. You must tag 15 people to do this. 
          6. You have to make a creative name for the chapter.
          @Padaliki @outlandish- @victorious-monkey @DevilsInOurHearts  @chaosdearest- @endlesstwilight @irunthis @hierarchy-
          @Laughing_Demon @kairazoemagaway @angashlynn @voidsgges  @mrith- @ThePhoenixHasRisen @Larrys_Lady




I've been wondering...what's the punishment?


tagged by the wonderful @ellinafatima! love you <3
          13 things about meh
          A. I love green fruits. You mention it...green apples, green grapes, etc.
          B. My favorite genres of music: pop, rap, hip hop, pop punk, pop rock, electronica, indie pop.
          C. I'm from East Africa <3
          D. Huge advocate of #BlackLivesMatter !!!!
          E. Dream career: psychologist/philosopher/psychiatrist/physician
          F. Omg I love realistic fiction.
          G. Jacqueline Wilson was my favorite author as a toddler, and still is. Love her lots <3 
          H. I'm a TCK. 
          I. I speak English, Swahili, a whole lotta French, and a lil Spanish :')
          J. I #FeelTheBern AHAHAHAHA okay
          K. I have one sister, and a half-sister.
          L. Born on the 1st of August. I'm a Leo!! Some famous leos include: Barack Obama (4th Aug), Kylie Jenner (10th Aug), Daniel Radcliffe (23rd July). Leos are the best yo
          M. My favorite colors are blue, black and white!