
Y’all I just finished writing the next chapter of Troublemaker. If you’ve been following Cross checked you might want to peep this chapter for a preview (or a small spoiler) of the next chapter in Andy and Leia’s story. 


Hey friends. 
          Life has decided to kick my behind for the last couple weeks. I’ve been so busy and not letting me write. 
          I’m working on a Troublemaker update which needs to happen before the next chapter of Cross Checked. 
          *Deep breath*
          Hopefully after this weekend I’ll have a bit more time. Because planning a spin off  from following team orders and a Chris one shot is difficult with all the ideas for the new chapters. 
          Have a good weekend!


Definitely take a breath and some time for yourself. We will still be here when you’re ready 


Happy Wednesday everyone!
          I hope you’re enjoying the latest update of “Troublemaker”
          I won’t have any other updates this weekend as I’m going out of town for my birthday. 
          Hopefully will have some down time to write but maybe, just maybe, I can post some of the old one shots for you guys. 
          See you guys next week! ✌️