
I want to let you guys know, I’m changing the face claim for Cindy … I don’t see her as young Mila anymore and just wanted a fresh start! Just telling you this so it’s not shocking when you see it in the new book! 


I want to let you guys know, I’m changing the face claim for Cindy … I don’t see her as young Mila anymore and just wanted a fresh start! Just telling you this so it’s not shocking when you see it in the new book! 


I did something impulsive .... and posted the intro to my fourth book (season 4) of the November, October, July series ;)


@Justmebibs Thank you so much, this means the world to me!! Xoxo


@ capeccod  it's okay! And I was kinda wondering if you would update the ST series . And I love your books! They're fantastic! xx


Hi guys! I know I’ve asked this question before, but I’m asking again because I want to hear from you, the reader, and make sure I can cater to both of our needs. In terms of my Stranger Things series (November, October, and July), I’m finding it difficult to want to continue editing/rewriting/and eventually write a fourth book for the fourth season because I don’t really feel connected to the Cindy x Mike storyline. It makes me so sad, but I don’t feel I can continue to do their story justice if I don’t feel connected to it anymore. However, I think (as many of you have predicted for years) Cindy may feel drawn to other characters (El & Max) more than she ever has for Mike. Would you guys be interested in continuing to read this series if Cindy and Mike were no longer the center of it? Would you be interested in reading a Cindy x Max story? Or would you even be okay if Cindy didn’t necessarily have a love interest? Please let me know what you would like, I feel awful to have kept everyone on hold for so long but I love writing and want to keep this series alive until the end of the show!


Are you still planning on continuing the story with Max? I would love to see it!


Thank you for all the love on Dream Girl Evil! Every time I come on the app I see so many lovely comments and I truly love you all. I was not expecting this much love! It makes me to happy to see everyone enjoying the story so far! Thank you so much!!!


as you should!!! it’s so good! 


Watching the new episodes of Daisy Jones & The Six, and I just wanted to reassure everyone that I have not lost interest in Dream Girl Evil! New chapters are coming soon, I’ve just been super busy with school stuff this week ✌


@ capeccod  yessss 


Heyyy, are you planning on continuing the Neil Perry book? I just wanted to say that your writing is amazing and I am completely hooked to the book.


@lxXAnoNyMoUSxXl Hi! Thank you, you're so nice! As of right now, yes, I do plan on continuing my Neil Perry story. I'm in college so it's hard for me to find time to write between my schoolwork, but I'm definitely intending to continue writing it! Glad you're enjoying it!! :)