
My 97,000 medieval fantasy Fablehaven fanfiction has finally been completed!!!Check it out under the name "Heir to Light." Thank you!


Hey all! I reformatted Fablehaven Oneshots and added 7 new chapters. I still have to update (and completely rehaul) the table of contents but here are the new ones:
          Fablehaven Group Chat [exactly what the name says]
          off to college (alone at home) [angsty Seth]
          hold on to the memories (they will hold on to you) [Newel/Doren]
          Sin City [Ronodin/Reader]
          guinea pig [fantasy royal AU]
          Fablehaven Fortnite [paint ball with Kendra, Seth, Ronodin, Bracken, and Warren]
          Kendra vs. Ronodin [tension-y Ronodin & Kendra]
          also republished “it was a bad idea (cause now I’m even more lost” which is Alyssa/Kendra


Whisper of an Arrow is a finalist in the Ever After Awards! Only one more round to go!


@candlemouse Congratulations!! I'm shocked it only has 200 reads because it must be really good to still be the competition! DM me if you ever need help with promo :)


Hi there! I just wanted to pop by and thank you again for checking out my book! Your comments made my day ❤️ I hope you enjoy it :) 


Oh my gosh! You are too kind ❤️


Thank you for writing such an amazing book!


Whisper of an Arrow made it to the third round in The Ever After Awards!! Right now, it's 36 books of the original 150 so I'm an so honored to even be a part of that. Can't wait to see if my book makes it into the third round’s 18!


this is your opportunity to be ready for future galas! we held one last night, and it was super fun. we mostly played trivia because it was fun to see how dumb we were, and then people continued with storybuilder after the gala was done. to be a part of a future one, go to @papercommunity’s link in their bio for the discord that is a fun place to chat with other writers even when they're not throwing parties. can't wait to see you there!