
I have way too many books in my library. 


Hello luv,
          Do you mind checking my zayn malik fanfic 'until you' also starring Selena Gomez?
          Feedbacks are appreciated.
          Have a good day.
          Synopsis : 
          He wanted her to burn down in flames, he hated her guts, he envied the way she used to carry herself around, But to him, she was strong, happy and a believer of magical feelings of love. She was too scrupulous to even bother about him.
          She wanted him to put aside his ego and be a noble man for once. She disliked his attitude, yet she desired to make him a better man for his own good. To her, he was bad boy, carefree and a cynical romantic. 
          They were the characters of two different world. He had girls wrapped around his corner, while she had a guy to struggle to forget about. He didn't care about past or future, he lived in the present, while she wrestled in her own world to remember missing parts from her past. But they both were looking for a closure, someone to hold their hand to walk through the path of life. They both were searching for missing pieces of the puzzles of their own hearts. It was all an illusion to them, until they met each other. 


Olá amora boa tarde, tudo bem? Espero que sim. Então poderia dar uma olhadinha nas minhas fanfics Wrong, Calm Daddy, Often e She, se puder votar e comentar ficaria grata. Muito obrigada desde de já e uma ótima semana.
          "Algumas pessoas foram feitas para serem amadas, outras apenas para ficarem nuas"
          Personagens principais: Zayn Malik e Kehlani Parrish

          Calm Daddy 
          "Eu te quero agora... Não estou tentando te fuder amanhã meu bebê, eu quero te fuder agora"
          Personagens principais: Zayn Malik e Ariana Grande

          "Eu não estou brincando com os seu coração é apenas um hábito deixar vadias saberem a verdade"
          Personagens principais: Zayn Malik e Kylie Jenner 

          "Ela põe seu espírito em uma drinque"
          Personagens principais: Zayn Malik e Taylor Hill
