
Hello guys!
          	Bhargavi here! I'm back with a Deepak Chahar fanfic Collab with my very dear @readinggivesfeels aka Sonam Di!!!! We've posted the first chapter on our joint account @SonViwrites 
          	This our very first Collab and my first try at fanfics, so please don't let this flop guys! Can I count on you guys to be there and support us??
          	We really hope you all would join us on this beautiful, crazy, romantic journey of Deepak and Eliyana. ❤️❤️
          	Also, if you happen to give this a chance, don't forget to follow, vote and share! Also we would love to hear your thoughts through the comment section!!
          	So, will we see you there?
          	Sonam and Bhargavi. ❤️❤️


Hello guys!
          Bhargavi here! I'm back with a Deepak Chahar fanfic Collab with my very dear @readinggivesfeels aka Sonam Di!!!! We've posted the first chapter on our joint account @SonViwrites 
          This our very first Collab and my first try at fanfics, so please don't let this flop guys! Can I count on you guys to be there and support us??
          We really hope you all would join us on this beautiful, crazy, romantic journey of Deepak and Eliyana. ❤️❤️
          Also, if you happen to give this a chance, don't forget to follow, vote and share! Also we would love to hear your thoughts through the comment section!!
          So, will we see you there?
          Sonam and Bhargavi. ❤️❤️


this message may be offensive
Heya guys!
          I'm back again! And this time, with another fanfic suggestion!
          So I happened to come across this absolutely adorable fanfic on Deepak Chahar (cricketer) and oh my! It's so beautiful. It's "Absolutely, Muffin!" by our very own @readinggivesfeels . 
          The story is in process and the updates are surely one thing you don't have to worry about. There are regular updates, one chapter in 2-3 days at least.
          The length is also not too short.
          Also, the quality doesn't suffer. The storyline, choice of words and relatable content make it all the more heartwarming ❤️❤️.
          If you guys have read her previous work "Be Mine" you would know that I ain't talking shit and it's serious business here.
          @readinggivesfeels puts all her heart into whatever she does. You definitely wouldn't regret giving it a try at least.
          Hoping to see you all there!
          Love and hugs!!
          Sarah ❤️❤️


Hey guys!
          It's me again! And this time I'm back with another amazing book for y'all!
          @readinggivesfeels has started writing imagines , i.e. , one shots on ICT ON REQUEST!
          So hurry up! Go and flood the comments section with your requests for a one shot with any cricketer of your choice! 
          So what're you waiting for?! Rush and shower the book with all the love and support you have to offer! 
          Also since this is a very different format from your previous book, I wish you all the luck for this new book @readinggivesfeels !❤️❤️❤️❤️ 
          I have complete faith your this book will soon be as popular as your previous one, maybe even more!❤️❤️❤️
          Guys please support her! ❤️
          Thank you so much!
          Writer. ❤️


@sarah_446 you make me cry!!  Thank you for all the support and love. I love you ❤️❤️❤️ 
            Also yes guys, requests open! 


Dear Bullies, 
          You know that boy you pushed earlier?
          He committed suicide last night.
          That girl you called fat?
          She's starving herself.
          And that boy you teased for crying?
          His mom died.
          You know that man you made fun of for his scars?
          He fought for our country.
          The little leather pouch you stole from that man?
          He was homeless.
          That girl you called ugly?
          She spends hours putting make-up on hoping people will like her.
          That boy you tripped?
          He gets abused enough at home.
          Make sure to be self-conscious of your actions- they could hurt somebody.
          Got tagged in an announcement by one of my friends on watty that had this. It's really important we keep reminding this to ourselves from time to time, and I really found this beautiful. Hence decided to forward it!
          It asked to tag about 3-4 people, but I guess I don't need to do that. cuz those who care will care and those who don't, well tagging them won't make any difference!


Hey guys!
          After yesterday's sad news break out here I am again, but with a lot better news!
          So I happened to come across this Shreyas Iyer fanfic by chance (the link to which I've attached) and I've fallen in love with it ever since! The storyline, the characters, the way all the characters are depicted, the style of writing, the realistic approach to the story and the beautiful descriptions all stole my heart, bit by bit. ❤️❤️ When I had begun reading this, it was just because I had nothing else to read in the genre about Him. But once I began reading it, I knew I was going to be hooked to it for long!
          But soon I realised that this book wasn't getting as much love, support and interaction as it deserves. There were literally 0 comments! Not even of pls update!
          So I thought of trying to do my little in helping this book reach the audiences it deserves and the lovely audiences that deserve this book!
          So my dear readers, I know there might be many here who are not Shreyas Iyer fans but pls guys, do give this book a try, you can read it like any other romance novel or you can imagine it to be Avneil in place of Shreyas and female protagonist. But pls pls pls pls do give it a try! I assure you won't regret it.
          Hoping to see you all there!
          Don't forget to show some love for @readinggivesfeels and vote, comment and share the story!
          Love you all 


To all the readers of Avneil FF : Love is to heal,
          Dearest readers,
          First of all I want to thank you all for the immense love and support you all have been showering on me and the book, despite the fact that the book hadn't been updated for so long. I cannot believe and am still overwhelmed by your response on the small piece of writing that I tried to present to you all. Thanks a ton for that! You guys are the best and I love you all! ❤️
          Secondly, I am really sorry and disheartened to announce the discontinuation and unpublishing of the book. This book had a part of my heart and was a part of my life, a very dear one. Discontinuing the book was the last thing on my mind and never wanted to do so in the first place, but guess life just happens!  I know you guys owe an explanation and I feel terrible to do this with you guys, but guys trust me I'll be back with new pieces super soon! 
          So here I officially announce the discontinuation of the book Avneil FF : love is to heal.
          Hoping to receive the same love and support for future ventures in writing from you all! Thank you all once again! ❤️
          Loads of love,