
Anyone who has seen Heathers (movie or musical), when JD says the bullets are "Ich lüge" he is legit saying that the bullets are real and that he is lying. Ich lüge is German for I'm lying! Did anyone else catch that first time watching it? But I still love JD, even though he is psycho.


@burning_nightmare I know a little of a lot of languages, but not much of one other than English and Italian
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You know German? Ich spreche ein bißchen Deutsch.
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Anyone who has seen Heathers (movie or musical), when JD says the bullets are "Ich lüge" he is legit saying that the bullets are real and that he is lying. Ich lüge is German for I'm lying! Did anyone else catch that first time watching it? But I still love JD, even though he is psycho.


@burning_nightmare I know a little of a lot of languages, but not much of one other than English and Italian
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You know German? Ich spreche ein bißchen Deutsch.
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