
I forgot to add this small review but I loved the new Bob Marley movie, for me it was a 10/10


your book on confidence helped me a lot with the image issues i have . plus the fact that you realized all this at 17 is incredible , i will read it over & over:) i just want to ask if you have any other resources that helped you with this mindset?? thank you so much !!! ^-^


@ Koifishie23  I truly appreciate your message, it made my day ❤️❤️❤️. I'm sorry I didn't respond one time . For resources it was YouTube at the time, people like: Loveyournatural, Breeny Lee. Recently, thewizardliz


Delete, block, move on. I've learnt to let go of dead energy, lack of efforts, giving 100% but receiving 10%, if they wanna leave, let them. Don't chase, don't beg, let them go. Letting go and dropping back your energy where it's unreprocicated, unappreciated, taken for granted is honestly the best thing ever.


"the day" 
          The day you know when you have actually have move on is when you stop checking if they have posted on their status, when you stop thinking about them, wondering if they feel the same, when you stop bringing their name and talking about them to your family/friends, when you stop hoping, when you stop rereading the chats, last seens and creating illusions of what it could have been, what they might be doing, sending indirects to them etc. When you don't care anymore and finally accept  and see the reality instead of the "rose colored lenses". When you refocus and shift all the energy you spent into them into you. Also when you don't feel the need to seek closure and revenge! When you realize your worth. That's the day you know you have moved on but taking it a bit far, is when you block them and never look back. 
          Friendship break up are so underrated.