
I wish you could do polls. They got rid of private messaging, and can't give us polls smh I feel like we're in the dinosaur ages


i've read 78 books so far this year alone, here's things I've noticed that I want to be mindful about in my own writing. 
          1: The baby is very very very rarely a boy. 
          (Do you know how annoying it is for me to go into a book and immediately know it's a girl lmao. I've only read one book and that was just yesterday where she was having a boy, but that book was lackluster, I don't recommend lol)
          2: The billionaire always has people do the gestures for him. 
          (Awe, how sweet, he got her a cute outfit, or yummy food... wait, no, he just texted his PA to do it. Why does none of the FMC's care? if I write a billionaire romance, my FMC is gonna have a fit. I want the gesture directly from you. Not your PA dropping it off at my house)
          3: Small Town Romances feels like Gilmore Girls. 
          (This could be a compliment, but sometimes it just feels like copy and paste and when things remind me of other things, I'm turned off from it, even if I like the book. I grew up in a small town. It wasn't anything like gilmore girls.)
          4: No one ever writes co-parenting with preexisting partners. 
          (The parents are either dead, or deadbeats. There is no happy coparenting. There is no "she's at her dads this weekend" or "His mom is coming to the sports game" I get it's easier to just make them the villain, but why is that every book? - I've tried to incorporate this into the unbroken series. I'll definitely try to do a better job at it in the future)
          5: He always wins the trophy. (sports romance) 
          (Why don't they lose? I've read one book where he didn't win the big game trophy. I get happy ending, but predictability is boring)
          6: Single dad is praised, whilst single mom is judged. 
          (Why is it that if a male is raising his kids alone, the books praise him, but if a mom is doing it, she's got issues. Like the dad is successful and the love interest is a bonus, vs the mom is poor + NEEDS the love interest to "fix her life". Why is that the go to plot?Why can't she be successful and he be poor?)


7: Gender specific interests 
            (I'm at fault of this in my own explanation up there. How come boys are into sports and girls are into dance? Where's the girls soft ball games and the boys dance classes? Switch it up)


Here's what I know about me, as a writer:
          I love adding kids to my stories -  I love the natural complicity from it.
          - Immediate struggle | whether it's being a single parent, or a co-parent etc, you have an immediate struggle whilst also having the ability to add the cute scenes of bonding, whether it's a baby or teen etc.
          Opposites attract - I love writing the beauty in falling for someone whose nothing like you. Take the Grumpy x Sunshine trope for starters, or your black cat x golden retriever. Maybe he loves this thing and she hates it. I love the tension from it, the immediate dialogue that spirals and they slowly learn to love each other for it. 
          Flipping cliches - I.e He needs help instead of her. People love cliches for a reason, but it's even more fun when you reverse the roles. It's something new to read that's also familiar, something new to play with whilst also having a formula. 
          Slow burn is a must - i simply cannot when they're falling all over each other on chapter 10. As a reader, and a writer, not my thing. I struggle a lot with finding the last 10 chapters of a book boring, and it's because you already ate the dessert. Now you're just waiting to go home. I already know how it ends, they're happy, they're in love, I'm bored. I have nothing left to yearn for lol
          Mental Health - Everybody struggles from something, whether it's mild or extreme, we've all got our own thing going on. Plus, it's fun to learn about new things + showcase them in my work.
          Those are just a few things I take into consideration when I look at creating a new work.


Hi! Let's talk my writing for 2 seconds! :)
          I haven't stopped writing, nor posting. I've just been taking time to do other things. I'm also trying to learn how to be a better writer, and doing that, I haven't wanted to create something before I felt confident enough that I could apply the things I've learned to it, and not feel like I'm missing out on things I've learned. I currently feel that way with Devotion which has been difficult, but hey, you live and you learn. I started that series when I was 17. I'm going to be 20 this month. I've grown a lot since then. 
          I'm also figuring out characters! I'm learning how to make more in depth characters, and figuring out who I am as a writer, what I like, what I don't; I'm trying to take things more "seriously" and less of a "I wrote this in one sitting" and hit publish. 
          I want to be better for you, and for me. I've learned so much in my time "away" from writing (I've actually been secretly writing and practicing without you knowing lol) 
          I look forward to showing everyone what I've learned, and the way I'm creating stories and characters now. 
          From things like Show and Tell all the way so nitpicking strengths and weaknesses in characters whilst also making them equal. A pairing. Someone you want to see succeed and end up together. 
          In 2016 I started writing here because it seemed fun. I literally would just sit down and write whatever came to mind and go from there, and I still did that until about a year ago. 
          I know updates have been slow, and I apologize for that, but don't go thinking I've abandoned you, or my stories. It's the actually the quite opposite and I hope you guys like my hopefully improved writing and I can't wait to show you what I've learned <3


Once again, wouldn't be a message from me without a typo lol


If there was any series I wish I could redo, it'd be the Unbroken series. I've learned so much and have changed so much since 2021 with my writing, that it'd be fun if I was able to redo it and refine it some more. I've been stuck in how I've worked it out in 2021, now, because of how the story formula works. I can't really.... do what I've learned? In it now. It does make me intrigued to maybe post that Barista Colby fanfic I planned over a year ago. Idk who'd be intrigued by it though lol
          Idk if people really want an AU of him..


if you read these, say hi. I want to see who pays attention to my nonsense lol


this message may be offensive
Hey, random question, does this read weird?
          (excerpt of a project I'm working on..)
          Dating and I were complicated to say the least. There were a million factors as to why; one of the main ones being that I just wasn’t ready to let another man in my life; along with the fact that I have a sixteen, almost seventeen, year old son. Most men my age when Isaiah was younger weren’t looking to become a step-father, so I was hopeful now that I’m dating in my 30s, and likely dating others in their 30s, they’d be more open minded, but that so far hasn’t been the case. One of the latest hangups was that Isaiah was a teenager. Not some four year old they could mold into a perfect relationship. They couldn’t offer my son Legos and ice cream and have him wrapped around their pinky. 
          People my age were either newly divorced, recently dumped, or widowed with their own skeletons in the closet, just looking for a quick fuck, or some fun nights out to get back into the dating scene. I was always that girl that was a bridge to wherever you were going.  
          Isaiah wasn’t necessarily baggage anymore. Sure telling someone you’ve got a kid is always scary, but it’s a bit more expected once you’re in your 30s, rather than early 20s. This time, I was the baggage. I was the one with the tainted past, the struggles of commitment, the issues with having one night stands, or even kissing on the first, second, or even third date. If anyone was complicated, it was me. When he was younger, he definitely was the second shoe dropping on my dates, but now? Now I’m the person declinding the quick one night stand in their hotel room, or going to some random work event because they needed a date. 
          I wanted something real. Someone who didn’t see me as an option, but a choice. I wanted them to choose me, and my son, and everything we came with, without expecting to get into my pants immediately, or to show me off for a night and never hear from them again. 
          I've worked on it sm that I can't tell lol


@britswriting it’s really good so far!! My only suggestions would be to separate some of the longer sentences into several shorter ones, and possibly reorder some of the wording so it reads easier. An example of this would be to take: “Most men my age when Isaiah was younger weren’t looking to become a step-father, so I was hopeful now that I’m dating in my 30s, and likely dating others in their 30s, they’d be more open minded, but that so far hasn’t been the case,” and present it a little more like this:  
            “When Isaiah was younger, most men weren't interested in stepfatherhood. Now that I’m older, and looking to date others in their 30s, I had hoped that they'd be more open-minded. Unfortunately, so far, that hasn't been the case.”


I changed the way it reads "even" twice in the same sentence ^


I've been going out and doing stuff more lately...... people have been people-ing a little too much.
          Like as a writer everything around me is inspo, so will I store this in my brain for later? Yes. But
          We were out at dinner the other day and some man yelled in our waitresses face? Like sir? 1: calm down. 2: tf u on about? "I didn't like the way she (the bartender) LOOKED at me" and 3: this is a lot of Friday behavior for a Wednesday.
          You ever just leave the house and be reminded by you don't do that lmao like the public is wild 


@britswriting Inspo indeed, but yeah, people can be so rude at times, like it's insanely ridiculous