
White Carnation is on hiatus until December. By then I’ll publish all the chapters I finish writing in my spare time. 


Thank youu for voting on The Play! Hope you enjoy <3 


Ahh this makes me so happy, thank you so much sweetheart ❤️❤️


No problem at all! No worried, after finishing Teenage Baby and (currently reading) Teenage trouble I’m very pleased and  much enjoyed your story, and unsurprisingly I have very much enjoyed the first two chapters of The Play as well! I really admire your way of writing and stories and I wish you luck on the rest of your writing  ah, and don’t forget to take breaks in between! It’s important to have fun for yourself and to work on others work you may have. Looking forward to the new chapter! 


honestly sCREAMING because finally i find someone interested in mobile legends!! I’m addicted 


@Anyone187 xD I Stan amazing authors <3


I stan understanding people <333 


@Anyone187 no problem! <3 just do what u gotta do when u want to 


If You Were Killed, I Wouldn't Be At Your Funeral.
          I Would Be In Jail For Killing The Person Who Killed You.
          We Are True Friends.
          We Ride Together, We Die Together.
          Send This To Everyone You Care about, Including Me, If You Care. 
          See How Many Times You Get This.
          I Want You To Know You Are An Amazing Friend, Till Death, And Forever.
          If I Don't Get This Back, I Understand.
          But I Have A Game For You.
          Once You Get This Letter,
          You Must Send This To 15 Other People, 
          Including Me.
          If You Get The At Least Three Times, You Are Loved.
          Nobody Knows How Important Something Is Until They Lose It.
          Tonight, (Right At 12:00 PM) The Person You Love Will Realize They Love You.
          Then, At 1:00PM To 2:00PM, Be Ready For The Shock Of Your Life!
          If You Break This Chain, You Will Have Bad Luck.
          With Love, Send This To Fifteen Other People.
          If You Don't, You Will Turn Ugly In One Year.
          A Friend Told Me To Do This, So Pass It On.
          Tomorrow, Two Boys/Girls Will Ask If They Can Have Your Number.
          Send This To Fifteen Other Nice People, Or Bad Luck Starts For A Whole Year.


@Fluffberry17 thanks xD *reposts to you and 15 other people* 