
Do read till the end- After a tumultuous year filled with unexpected twists and turns, I officially finished my first year at university. I met a variety of people, few good, a lot awful and some *extra ahem* scums of earth, going by the professionalism of my announcement, I grew. I learnt that law school is not about being extroverted and multitasking. It can be a chill evening in your hostel, with a web series, just enjoying without the judgement of my mother! I miss those late night views from my balcony (fyi, i live next to a railway station), regardless, the finals week was not a hell. I ended up liking my course and the professors. I am at home right now and bored. So i decided, I am going to start writing more articles and share a few snapshots I wrote over the months with you guys. Should I continue with Women? And, if anyone out there wants the law school review, feel free to text me. I will be more regular here as I miss my fanfics. BTS, Blackpink ffs here i comeeeeeeee


@brexitexit wow, that’s so awesome! congratulations! i’m so very proud of you :D law school is tough 


Do read till the end- After a tumultuous year filled with unexpected twists and turns, I officially finished my first year at university. I met a variety of people, few good, a lot awful and some *extra ahem* scums of earth, going by the professionalism of my announcement, I grew. I learnt that law school is not about being extroverted and multitasking. It can be a chill evening in your hostel, with a web series, just enjoying without the judgement of my mother! I miss those late night views from my balcony (fyi, i live next to a railway station), regardless, the finals week was not a hell. I ended up liking my course and the professors. I am at home right now and bored. So i decided, I am going to start writing more articles and share a few snapshots I wrote over the months with you guys. Should I continue with Women? And, if anyone out there wants the law school review, feel free to text me. I will be more regular here as I miss my fanfics. BTS, Blackpink ffs here i comeeeeeeee


@brexitexit wow, that’s so awesome! congratulations! i’m so very proud of you :D law school is tough 


You guys 
          I had like the best day ever. I had a free lecture and I went to meet a professor to clear doubts. We ended up chatting on life, regrets, corruption and what we could've done a little different. 
          Was that a normal discussion? 


I made a boy cry 


@imogenhues *tears of happiness*
            He deserved it ngl
            Won't even say hi to me anymore lols


@brexitexit proud big sister moment 


@brexitexit you've always had the potential 


Ever got the realization to hold back your words, entering the room to find your professor reclining on the chair, legs slightly parted, a pen between his teeth, reading and looking upto you. Is it hot in here or just you? The air, suddenly feels so suffocating. 
          Thick thighs accentuated by his tight pants. His watch thudding against the wooden table. His smile and the jokes. How can someone roast you and be so hot to make you weak to your knees? How can he maintain eye contact when you constantly stare at the coffee mug and push away the desire to be his. 
          I know. Uncalled and unexpected of me lol


@imogenhues dnajfie
            That's the worstttt


i did have a cute professor back in my first college. he was unfortunately happily married. and my classmates unfortunately couldn't take the friggin clue.