
Hey! I'm back and ready to continue writing. What do you guys want to see updated? I also am open to any ideas as to more books you want to see from me.


@bre_penn please write more in Women Down please I love it so far


hey hey hey thanks for the vote. I read your comment and tbh I don't like doing that type of things here is why... I've read A LOT of fanfictions and stories where the girl gotten hurt or in a car crash and she was injured to the point where she was in a coma and they didn't know or she had amnesia or something like that. I just really think that it would be to obvi. that she would quote in quote be in a coma but I didn't want to go down that road I wanted to kinda be unpredictable but predictable at the same time lol I don't know if that makes sense but thanks for your comment I might think about using it later on in the story