
ok nvm it’s back :) happy times 


so hey.. all you people... lovelies :3
          um i’m contemplating all my life decisions right now and i’m just wondering..
          do you guys really want me to continue with my ‘current’ stories? I feel like i’m just keeping you guys waiting and I know how much that sucks. 
          so question...
          should i sell my stories? (not for actual money just to put up for adoption :3)
          keep writing but in the slow intervals i do now?
          give up?
          speed write and finish all my stories without all of what i’d planned?(main plot would be finished)
          im not sure :/ 
          well, just let me know:P i’m always here 
          love u all <3


isn’t it scary how not active i am on this but at the same time i am very active? idk if that makes sense but i’ll literally respond to y’all and give feedback in like 2 seconds, but when it comes to actually updating i’m like


Hey babies, 
          Ummm yea chappie is long overdue, and idk what imma do next soo....
          IM TAKING A BREAK. 
          until I say so. 
          Lolololol sorry guys but i gotta channel my WRITERS ENERGY. 
          don’t expect much when the actual chapter comes out tho lol 
          Thank you guys so SO MUCH for all the continued support I honestly don’t deserve all those votes and comments but y’all make it happen anyways!  
          I am thankful for my sort of career on this app and to all of you! Xoxo 
          Till next time lovelies!  


          ahem...  I’ve been working on an Owari no seraph ‘book’ and it’s for SPOOKY SEASON!!!  I’ve been on and off with the Woes of a Prince and that so the delayyyyyy omfg I’m so sorry, truly. 
          The chappie WILL be pathetic and I’m trying to make the Halloween one as good as possible. 
          THANKS LOVELIES ❤️