
Just posted a new poetry story, I hope you guys like it! :)))


It makes me so sad when the media portrays Christians as prudes/snobs/homophobes/judgemental. Yes, God said sex before marriage is a sin. Sex is sacred, something that should be done with your husband/wife. Sex creates life, and that life should only be created between a husband and wife. Will I say you're a slut if you have sex before you're married? No! I'll love you and pray for you, not condemn you! Do I think I'm better than you because I'm a Christian? No! I pray everyday you guys will accept Jesus, but I don't think less of you if you aren't. I just feel sad and keep praying. Do I think homosexuality is a sin? Yes. God clearly says homosexuality is sexual immorality. Will I hate you and tell you to go to hell if you're gay? No! I'll pray for you! I wouldn't wish hell on my worst enemy. It hurts me when people say Christians are horrible people because we don't accept gays. To us, gay is a SIN. Murder, stealing, taking the Lord's name in vain are all sins! Does it hurt me when Christians act horribly to gays, and call them disgusting? Yes! Treating someone badly because they sin is a horrible thing to do because WE ALL SIN. But guess what? JESUS LOVES US ANYWAY, AND HE DIED FOR US! How amazing is that, that he knew how filthy and sinful we are, yet he was tortured, mocked, and crucified for us? I'd say that's some amazing grace


Okay I know probably none of you will understand this rant but I need to let this out...
          On twitter today a bunch of whiny teenagers were complaining that Bex Taylor-Klaus only notices her "favorites". They went on to unfollow her and hate on the people she talks to. They even began to hate on her and complain how "horrible their lives are."
          Just no.
          Since when is it a horrible thing to have friends on twitter? Just because your "favorite actress" doesn't follow or retweet you, you think it's OKAY to hate on people and tell them how "attention-seeking" they are. Newsflash, hate isn't cool! Hating on someones friend WON'T get them to like you. All you've accomplished is making an incredible person sad or angry. If you were a true Bexican, you wouldn't hate on other Bexicans! We stick together!
          Also, STOP WHINING. You say how "horrible" your life is. Would you rather be a starving child in Africa? Or maybe a homeless teenager? How about a person persecuted and beheaded for their faith? The world doesn't revolve around you, sweetheart. Your life is a fairy tale and you need to grow up, open your DELUSIONAL eyes,  and see the world for what it really is.
          Moral of the story: Don't be a hater, don't whine about a great life, and above all, love Bex Taylor-Klaus :) Through all the hate she was calm and respectful, and said she just wanted to spread love. In fact, instead of lashing out when the hate became bad, she just logged off of twitter and said she would be back when things cooled down. That's what Bex is about. That's what the entire Taylor-Klaus family is about. Defending their fans, and spreading love. That's why I love Bex, Syd, and Josh. I love the entire Taylor-Klaus family.
          Thanks for reading my rant guys! I just had a lot up pent up anger and twitter doesn't give me enough characters! 
          See ya!