
Hi everyone! Please please please be patient with me while I write and edit "Summer Shadows". As much as I would love to just sit all day and let my creative process flow I could really knock some chapters out. But good things take time and I want to make this one special  also I work a full time job so it's difficult for me to actually get free time to write. I'm trying! I really am! If you only saw my brainstorming scribbles you'd be excited for the outcome! Thanks for all yall who's read what I have so far. It's greatly appreciated!!!!! 


Hi everyone! Please please please be patient with me while I write and edit "Summer Shadows". As much as I would love to just sit all day and let my creative process flow I could really knock some chapters out. But good things take time and I want to make this one special  also I work a full time job so it's difficult for me to actually get free time to write. I'm trying! I really am! If you only saw my brainstorming scribbles you'd be excited for the outcome! Thanks for all yall who's read what I have so far. It's greatly appreciated!!!!! 


Hey everyone! I'm almost through editing and publishing all the chapters I have wrote for "What They Thought Love Was" book #1. For the past three months, I've worked so hard on it! Please Please Please everyone, share with your friends! Read! Vote! Tell me what you love about it! I'm all ears! 
          I greatly Appreciate everyone of you that has read my story. 
          YOU are the ones who brought it to life. 
          Thank you