
I know I have a lot of errors in my story, everyone does, but it doesn't give you the right to point them out and make me feel like an idiot. I started this story having no clue what my plot was and I wasn't even a good writer then. Now, my writing has matured and I'm writing what I want to write. so please keep your stupid negative opinions to yourself 


I know I have a lot of errors in my story, everyone does, but it doesn't give you the right to point them out and make me feel like an idiot. I started this story having no clue what my plot was and I wasn't even a good writer then. Now, my writing has matured and I'm writing what I want to write. so please keep your stupid negative opinions to yourself 


hey guys, so I have writers block and I kind of need a distraction to get myself back in my writing groove sooooooo if you guys would message me just to talk that would be really cool. you're all so awesome and I want to get to know you beautiful people better!! thanks!!