
          	yooo it's been so long, this is crazy. hope you're all okay!! so hehe i got a bf and it's probably the main reason i haven't been updating (the first thing he did when we met was show me who he was following on vlive and when i tell you i screamed when i saw he was following skz AHH! we've been dating for 7 months now and we're happy) but um, i truly want to apologise for the extremely long wait. 
          	this story, i guess, has been put on hold, and i'm honestly not sure when i will be updating it. i just reread this entire fic and wow my writing sometimesss yikesss, but i'm really, REALLY proud of this fic and i really want to officially end it. please bear with me as i get everything sorted with it and i become motivated to continue writing it. 
          	i truly appreciate each and every one of you for the support and i know i won't be where i am now if it weren't for you guys, so i just want to say thank you for sticking with me even after this long hiatus. i truly love you all and i want to give you all a satisfying ending i know you all deserve. pls note that literally the skeleton of this fic is done and dusted, i just need to actually write it. 
          	but once again, thank you. i love each and every one of you, and i'm sure we'll be seeing each other again soon! 
          	much love, author <3


@blushymess i loved reading the story sooo much. im happy that ur gonna complete, honestly it was one of the few things keeping me sane atm. but take ur time, and then come back.


@blushymess thank you so much for the fic, it's been a wonderful experience reading it. Thank you for choosing to finish it and take your time! Please don't feel any pressure to rush. Love you and have a great day!


@blushymess ohh I completely understand, but u rly shouldn't have left us there!!  but take Ur time, Ur doing great!


it’s been almost 2 years  i hope you’re alive and doing well, and i hope your relationship is thriving. your fans, supporters and readers are waiting for your return^^ you have a serious talent steph like srs srs!!!!! i’ve never read a story that pulled me in that way! your writing has made me bawl my eyes out to the point of a blocked nose and uncontrollable wailing  even if it takes a century, i’ll always be here waiting! we love you @blushymess !!!


Dear wonderful author:
          I hope wherever u r that a lovely day/evening/night is ahead waiting for u<3. Whatever reason it is that u've stopped writing (smth that it seemed like it was a passion for u) know that We the Readers are here waiting. We'll always be here for u in support. And even if u never finish we wont judge c(^3^c). If u r able, plz reach out to let us know ur ok <3333


          I'm sure you've gotten a heap of these sort of comments already but I wanna say thank you for writing the Bang Chan fic!!
          I recently got into SKZ by my friend and she gave me a good list of fics to read. This was my first and probably my favourite.
          I was curious if you plan to update it? It's been a few years I've seen, so I was wondering if it was still a WIP. 
          I must say, though, after finishing it I feel empty inside LMAO. Y'know when you find that really good TV series and you finish it in a few days? Yeah, that kinda feeling lol
          BUT! I hope you're doing well!! :) And thank you again for literally blessing us with that adorable fic <3


Hey!! I just wanted to say I absolutely loved your ff and I hope your doing good as you haven’t uploaded and kinda left without saying anything. I hope ur not in any trouble and that you’ll be able to start publishing more chapters! Heath always comes first tho, so don’t fee pressured at all