
Hi folks!!!
          	The rest of my Cinderella spoof is up in time for the holidays! Please give it a read as the new year draws closer.
          	I'm taking a little break from some writing. Need to get stuff sorted out in my life before I can put up another project. I would love to put up the rest of Through a Crystal Lens in the near future, so that might be the first thing I do when I come back next year. In the meantime, please check out the stories written by @DragonRider4 as his account remains active for his followers in honor of his storytelling.
          	Happy Holidays!!!


Hi folks!!!
          The rest of my Cinderella spoof is up in time for the holidays! Please give it a read as the new year draws closer.
          I'm taking a little break from some writing. Need to get stuff sorted out in my life before I can put up another project. I would love to put up the rest of Through a Crystal Lens in the near future, so that might be the first thing I do when I come back next year. In the meantime, please check out the stories written by @DragonRider4 as his account remains active for his followers in honor of his storytelling.
          Happy Holidays!!!


Hi folks!!!
          It's been a while! I've been busy with a lot of stuff going on: figuring out getting a master's, investing time in tarot, work, adulting, you get the picture.
          One of my projects from earlier this year was a short story I finally finished, and I just published part 1  I'm relieved it's done, for now, and I'm happy to be able to share it with you. Please find a chance to read it. It's fun and cute and it'll be a quick day read. There's no official title at this time, it has yet to come to me... but I'm taking suggestions if you have any. Comment in the first part if you have ideas. I'll get part 2 up by August, assuming life won't completely detail my plans 
          Until next time!!!


          I know I said I would put the rest of SWIPU up here, but I'm not done editing it. For now, I've put it on hold as an unfinished project.
          In the meantime, I'm working on choosing my next editing project for NaNoWriMo this year. My current plan is to finish a piece that's mostly done, but not complete. I'd like to finish for once so I can call it done with my work. Currently, I'm torn between a fanfic and an original, though I'm leaning more towards the original. If you have any input on what I should do, comment below.
          Take care!!!


          I have added some of the newly edited chapters for "Since When is Paracord Useful" to get you started. The rest of the story will be added sometime in August as I work on finishing it. It's been a grueling, teeth-pulling process to read this and bring it to its greater and well-deserved glory. Especially with being stuck in a room for most of time instead of taking a whole day once in a while writing somewhere outside of home.
          Please, please, PLEASE be patient with me as I work on my beloved novel. And don't forget to comment, vote, etc.
          Take care!!!


          I'm sure some of you are hoping I have news regarding the story I made with @DragonRider4 and when I'll be posting it. Due to some recent personal events, and an old promise to myself I made a while back, I'm going to be working on "Since When is Paracord Useful" for the next month or two. All other stories and writing projects will be on hold until I have finished rewriting and editing my first novel. It is important to me that I get this out of the way during the summer.
          Take care!!!


          I know I've been out of touch with my page. I was in college and trying to focus on passing my classes, so I had to neglect my Wattpad account for a bit. However, college is over, and with COVID-19 preventing me from working, I have some free time to do some writing!
          For those of you checking in from@DragonRider4, welcome! It will be a while before I can post that story I promised as to have to scroll through my messages to find it, and it was a long time ago.
          My uploads and posting will be sporadic as I'm not usually the best at keeping a schedule I make for myself. But I'll do my best.
          Stay safe and stay healthy!!!


          No, I'm not putting up WITS. It'll be a long time before I publish the series. Yes, I have a new story. I did NaNoWriMo and won, but the story's not finished. I'll work on it along the way, but please enjoy what I have so far. More to come in the future, so hang tight. Until next time!


          I hate to do this, but WITS, the TV series, will be on hold until a later date. I know, it sucks. However, I have to get some stuff regarding life out of the way, and the overwhelming amount of plot bunnies is not helping either. I also have to get things in order with my co-writers if this is going to happen. So, hang in there and wish me luck.