
Hey Blood Skull. How would you feel if I some worte a AU If Blue met another character around the story or his time as a vigilante. I do want to try and get to know other OC makers and writers. I would do this with the friends I have on here but life is currently a pain with school being involved. But by One of the readers who are active around my page I figured you might be the person I tried to talk to you. If you want me to try and do this you’re free to let me know. I’m interested in another characters and I’m just bored. And kind of need an excuse to write to ease with the pain on writing my original story on the phone. What do you need to do is just give me in-depth information about your character I saw about him in your bio. But I just need a little more information. If you’re up for this offer. Once again I’m just bored you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.