
Hi, I was searching for Seme MC on here and the book 'My Husband is Suffering from a Terminal Illness" came up. I don't see any indication of that being the case though, so could I ask is this a Seme MC book?


@GeneTaylor5 if you or anyone else that sees this finds a Seme MC or Reversible Couple book on here, please let me know. I tend to only read human translations and not MTLs which is another problem. I already know of all the books that are on NovelUpdates, but I know alot of the books on here are not linked there so that's why I've started searching on here


@GeneTaylor5 Ah I have trouble reading Uke MC novels when I read danmei, I guess it's just not for me. I only read Seme MC and Reversible Couples, but they're very few and far between, as you might know, so I was excited that I might have found another good Seme MC book. Kinda disappointed, but will continue my search, thanks for the reply though.


@GeneTaylor5 No, MC is not the Seme. But you would definitely like the Seme in this book even though he wasn't the MC!


Is the novel I became a God in a Horror Game, completed? Cause I was just wondering why it only hay 150+ chapter, when it has like 500+ chapters.


@blnovelreader-k oh ok, thank you for confirming.


@Saotome_Aira 589 to be exact. And yes, the novel is completed. I just added 2 to 4 chapters in one chapter, so I can upload whole novel in one book. 
            (As you know, Wattpad only support 200 chapters in one book. So 589 means at least 3 books. I'm definitely not posting 3. '~')


Good Day! I hope you have a wonderful day! I just wanna ask if sha po lang extras will never return?


@_MomiRimo_ Hi! Thank you for noticing my message! I would love to read it and will definitely read it before it will be taken down!
            Thank you so much! Hope you have a good day!


@_MomiRimo_ same to you! About [sha po lang; extra], I'm not sure if I can post it in here too long. But if you liked to read it, I can post little by little until you finish it before take it down. (hopefully)
            If you don't mind, just give me a notice! 
            And sorry for the inconvenience!!


Hi I was reading the earth is online when it disappeared I’ve seen that in other responses you’ve offered to post around where people were reading, I think I was around chapter 53 or 54 can you post around there please! It’s okay if you can’t. Have a Goodnight


@blnovelreader-k hi! Hope you’ve been resting well! I’ve finished 75


@blnovelreader-k hi! I hope you’re doing well! I’ve finished chapter 64


goodnight! I was reading the novel earth is online when out of nowhere she disappeared, I got a huge shock. I was really enjoying reading it here and you are incredible, as you answer us and answer questions.
          Could you tell me what happened? Is it a mistake on my Wattpad or was it actually taken   . Will you have a chance to return? (Sorry, Google tradutor) 


well, I'm kind of in the final stretch, I stopped between chapters 197 to 200. I see that I'm already far from the chapters that are being posted, so it's okay if I can't post chapters 200+.


@SemNosao sorry for the inconvenience!!


@SemNosao well there's a little problem. But I post some episodes you must be reading on. 
            Just tell me when you need other episodes, I will post them little by little.