
Hello, everyone! Some of you guys constantly posted messages in this message board (special mention to user As_pen omg you are so sweet) even if I was away for a long time!! Thank you for not forgetting about me, I appreciate it a lot . 
          	College life has been stressful so I couldn’t find the right time to pick up the pen again. In fact, I’ve gone through a bad writing slump because I felt like I wasn’t really writing quality books and sometimes, I find myself hating my own works. This is a personal issue though, and I am really trying my best to fix this.
          	So, for anyone who is wondering if I will ever go back to writing here, sure, at the right time!!! I might edit some of my books from here and then but I couldn’t guarantee my full return. 
          	I am not forgetting my beloved readers, and I am really grateful for your support till now. I just want to enhance my skills more so that I can give you guys better stories. Thank you so much, and I love you all!
          	— blackgraffiti


@blackgraffiti  take ur time ate, we will always wait for uu! Take care always<3