
i am officially inactive but i do have an another account for me so yeah ((lowercase on purpose)) 
          	 - Wren


Hi :) 
          Well I'm officially back! I'm doing editing :( , and I'm not the best, so if I make a mistake please say. 
          Also, I've changed my agenda. 
          Tuesday — The Matchmaker / TGWTK (revised) 
          (Sometimes Thursday) — Random choice :3 
          Sunday — Sept / TGWTK (revised) / sometimes a short story :) and also this other story I'd like to talk about || read below 
          So as you can see, it changed! Instead of two posts for Sept & TMM it's once/week. Sorry, but it fits me better and I have a lot of chapters to edit. 
          Also, if you can see, it says TGWTK (revised). Yes, I've edited and changed a lot of the story :O Yep. I read my older version and I prefer the newer one. It explains more in depth of Clove's character and removes the mental part. I might add in the mental part, but maybe not. So it'll completely change the story. 
          New story again? Well, kind of. In celebration of the breath-taking Catching Fire Trailer, I'm writing a... Hunger Games Fan-fic :P Not another POV one, but rather just a seperate story :) I use to love doing these and posting them on Instagram and doing IGHG's. I use to have an IGHG ACC. But, my IPod broke and then so many people that did IGHG's were slowing down. I recently checked and barely anyone does it anymore. So this is how I'm going to do it :) Also, I won't take time out of my other stories, so this one will be unedited and will be edited later on.BTW, if you haven't checked out the the trailer, it's spectacular! So you should watch it! 
          —Wren :) 


so this is my plan for thy summer (if anyone cares...) 
          1. finish up The Matchmaker. I just have to finish the rest of the chapters and I'm done :) 
          2. Start Sept. I've gotten a few good comments ^_^ So hopefully around mid-July, we set sail :) 
          3. Maybe around mid-july to august I'll start this new story called -----. It will be basically slightly fiction yet with experiences and I won't focus on that one heavily. 
          4. Try to get in a few chapters of TGWTK. I've gotten a lot of reads on that one, but I always get side tracked with Sept and TMM, sorry to all the fans of it :/ 
          5. Actually write (not necessarily posting it) The Disney Games. If I ever do get around to finishing it, then I do have a spin-off to it. 
          6. Do some more A Few Words to Say. I stopped doing it! Which is bad! One of the main reasons is because I'm doubting my writing skills. But, I want to keep on going. 
          I also want to try to maintain a schedule. Which I suck at doing :/ 
          So bye, 
          Wren || Still on hiatus 


So I am taking a break from Wattpad. Well, I'll occasionally be stalking the clubs and reading. The reasons: I'm going on a trip to the other side of the globe! & it's spring break. 
          During these times, I want to relax and try to write a lot. So yeah,I'll return to posting around the beginning of May. 
          -Al :) 


I'm going to try and go on a writing frenzy right now. As in, I'll try to update in a) The Matchmaker , B) The Girl With The Knives C)Here's A Letter D) The Disney Games E)A Few Words To Say 
          And, I have 234 views on TGWTK! Yay me! (OMG, London Tipton...) Well, I updated AFWTS & TMM!