
Sorry about the huge wait, but there's likely to be more long waits as I go on since I'm preparing for a new job and University. But the next chapter will be out very soon, thank you for your patience and understanding. Also, Instinct is up for a Wattys award. I don't expect to win, but the fact that one of my books are even elligible for the Wattys is the best feeling ever. Thank you so much for the love and support that my book has recieved from all of you. I truly appreciate every single one of you 


I just want to ask that in your book instinct is the reader ware wolf or the bts? 


That means bts are werewolf 


Sorry about the huge wait, but there's likely to be more long waits as I go on since I'm preparing for a new job and University. But the next chapter will be out very soon, thank you for your patience and understanding. Also, Instinct is up for a Wattys award. I don't expect to win, but the fact that one of my books are even elligible for the Wattys is the best feeling ever. Thank you so much for the love and support that my book has recieved from all of you. I truly appreciate every single one of you 


Hey guys, sorry for keeping you waiting for a new update of Instinct, if I'm being honest though I haven't even started the next chapter. Other than having a small round of writer's block, I've been very busy preparing myself for University and work. I haven't had a whole lot of time to sit down and write but I promise that I'll try my best to update as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and support and sorry for any inconveniece ❤


Some people keep asking when my next chapter of 'Instinct' will be up, and to be truthful, I actually don't know. I don't have a set upload schedule because I'm writing this book as I go along. The only thing that I have to remind me of what I'm writing is what I wrote in the description. So everytime I start writing, I have to re-read the last chapter. I'm sorry if that's inconvenient or annoying for you but it's just how I roll


@Mojem33 I'm so happy to hear that you're enjoying my book! You finding it was serendipity it seems  I'll try to update soon, I'm really sorry to have kept everyone waiting. Also, please tell me if there are any mistakes in my writing because I like to re-read the chapters before I post them to make sure everything is in order, but sometimes I miss things. Your help would be greatly appreciated x


@bisky_111 oh yeah i really want an update ( not rushing you )just want go express my gratitude towards you cause finally i got a book with an idea i like so much I really wanted to read it and on accident I pressed your book and got what i wanted , someone said that everything've done on accident is the best


I know my last message wasn't that long ago, but you deserve to know what's happening and I didn't expect the transfer to be that quick haha. Some of the photos may be a little different but I tried my hardest to get the same ones. I used to have them all but my phone ran out of storage so I had to move most (about 85%) of my BTS photos onto my usb so accessing them is more pain than it's worth when I can easily find some good ones on pinterest. 
          Welp, the transfer is complete so please continue to enjoy the book!


Sorry guys but I'll be changing the book "instinct" into another version. The book and story won't change, but I will be taking the chapters down, making a 'new book' and re-uploading them. For some reason, chapter 3 has duplicated and no matter what I did, I couldn't fix it. So that's the reason why. I'm sorry if this causes any inconveniences for you although finding your reading spot shouldn't be hard as there aren't many chapters and they are short chapters as well. I'm typing this on my phone, so other than the word count, I can't really tell how long they are. Sorry again, I thought I'd let you all know x


Can you please translate yuma cd? Please!!!  


@NatyBarbosa2 Actually, I don't translate them, I just edit translations that already exist. But yes, I can edit Yuma's translation. But I have to do them in order, and I'm struggling to find the translations, so it may take a while. Also, I'm busy editing my friends' youtube videos about Diabolik Lovers and other things


Hello, I have some sad news. I was looking for "Bloody Bouquet Vol. 2" so I could edit it, but it's no where to be found. I looked where I usually get them from and it's broken. I will edit "Bloody Bouquet Vol. 2" as soon as I possibly can, in the mean time, I'll continue on with the other ones.
          (Sorry guys, I'm especially sorry to all Ruki fans out there! I'll try my hardest!!!)


Hello Diabolik Lovers fans! I'm currently in the middle of editing my newest part "Bloody Bouquet Vol. 1"! Are you excited, because I am! I really hope you enjoy reading it how I read it. If you want to watch some subtitled Diabolik Lovers videos on youtube, I reccoment VOICEBOX's videos. I'm a friend of hers and I help edit her subtitles. 
          She makes her videos by playing all of the games and listening to all of the Drama CD's and making her own noises and putting it all together. She puts a lot of hard work into it, then she translates them, and I edit them. Please take a look at her videos and her twitter!


If there are any other Diabolik Lovers translations you want me to edit, feel free to message me. Also, I'm willing to edit any other anime translations, just talk to me about it and I'll see if I can get it done. :) You can talk to me on Wattpad (either on this conversation board, or over private messages) or Instagram or Twitter (my Twitter has two links on my profile, and my Instagram username is in my bio).