
dear readers,
          	look in the mirror and reflect if you’re struggling with that last one. cause it’s something we have all done at one point or another. but this is not just some carnival game. it’s a lesson I hope each of you will take with you.
          	your second word is
          	I’m sure if you look back, this one won’t be nearly as hard. good luck.


the fallen angel??


dear readers,
          look in the mirror and reflect if you’re struggling with that last one. cause it’s something we have all done at one point or another. but this is not just some carnival game. it’s a lesson I hope each of you will take with you.
          your second word is
          I’m sure if you look back, this one won’t be nearly as hard. good luck.


the fallen angel??


dear readers…
          long time no see. It’s been nearly a year since I released something, nearly two since I began writing. during that time, I have discovered a lot about myself and about all of you…but I’d always like to know more. so let’s play a game.
          your first two words are
          HTE ALFLEN
          I’m sure you will all be angels, and won’t cheat. good luck.


@bilesbilinski222 I missed you pookie!! :)


Happy one year to “Mine” 
          I’m so thankful for all the love and support that book has gotten, and can’t believe it’s been read as much as it has. Little know fact, while writing it, I never intended on publishing it, it was just some fun personal goal, but look where it has led. Thank you all.