
Cavalier hit 5k wow.
          	thank you all for reading!


omg thank u so much!! that's such a sweet message im smiling so hard rn thank u so much for saying im good at writing thank u thank u thank u x271838582828 


@vvinterfell you're welcome thanks for replying lol :) keep writing, you're really gr8


Hi :)
          I hope you're fine.
          I would like to translate your story "Cavalier" in French.
          I'm bilingual (english and french), so my translate can be really good.
          I would like to translate it because a lot of pepole ask me for translate stories in French, your story is one of my favorite so I want to translate it first.
          Pepole who ask me to translate don't speak english, so I would like to translate it in french for them (and other pepole).
          I will mention that you are the original writer of this story (and I won't change the story of YOUR text), you will always be.
          Thank you so much for read, I hope you will accept.
          Have a good day x