
rewatching stranger things and realizing how much I actually hate season four for what it did to johnathan and nancy... three seasons of character development/relationship development down the drain for what? a sloppy, out of no where revival of steve and nancys relationship? its super forced and 100% just for fan satisfaction.
          	and do not get me started on how nancy's main storyline in three was feminism and girl powery, and how in season one she literally said that she didn't want to end up like her parents, and now in season four the writers are completely ignoring this and instead pushing the narrative that she wants her parents life?? wild
          	like it actually frustrates me that they just want to ignore her main character traits/values for a fan service but whatever
          	and omg the way that they ruined johnathan's entire character... his character in s4 is literally like a completely new character and im almost certain its because they wanted to give fans a reason for the relationship to end
          	anywheres theres my rant 
          	i could go on about other characters/the entire storyline but i wont
          	basically s4 fell off super hard and is 100% the worst season of st


Ugh completely agree.. also I cant have peace until Charlie and Bellamy are together 


rewatching stranger things and realizing how much I actually hate season four for what it did to johnathan and nancy... three seasons of character development/relationship development down the drain for what? a sloppy, out of no where revival of steve and nancys relationship? its super forced and 100% just for fan satisfaction.
          and do not get me started on how nancy's main storyline in three was feminism and girl powery, and how in season one she literally said that she didn't want to end up like her parents, and now in season four the writers are completely ignoring this and instead pushing the narrative that she wants her parents life?? wild
          like it actually frustrates me that they just want to ignore her main character traits/values for a fan service but whatever
          and omg the way that they ruined johnathan's entire character... his character in s4 is literally like a completely new character and im almost certain its because they wanted to give fans a reason for the relationship to end
          anywheres theres my rant 
          i could go on about other characters/the entire storyline but i wont
          basically s4 fell off super hard and is 100% the worst season of st


Ugh completely agree.. also I cant have peace until Charlie and Bellamy are together 


nvm guys it didnt work out im back


@bellsbitch nah I hate the world im done


@sociallyred bruhhhh my guy literally went out on a date with another girl but still was texting me a bunch... then proceeded to not understand why i wanted to decrease communication like smh are you dense


@bellsbitch bruh. Me asf. I’m literally head over heels rn and this guy decides to leave me on del for 2 days and he lives down the street from me. I saw him at the gym and he fully looked away. IVE SEEN U NAKED BRO LIKE WHO DO U THINK U R


Sorry guys I fell in love and forgot about this story


@bellsbitch excuse me... love? where can I find it


And so happy for you tho 




id like to thank wattpad for giving me insane writing skills
          I have this online history course and my prof always talks about how she can tell if we don’t do the readings
          well guess who doesn’t do the readings and still has 100% in the class