
Any writers in here writing old west Native American men/white women stories? NO wear wolf stories, shift changers, just good old fashioned wild west romance stories.  I do find some but they aren't finished.


Thank you so much for reading my book, The Cry of the Wolf! It is now published in ebook form (hopefully in paperback over the weekend). Would you please write a review for it on Amazon? It would mean so much to me! Thank you! Here's the link :)


Hi, Rebecca. Thanks so much for choosing my stories for your collection, I hope they don’t disappoint. I should point out that History of BB is really a hastily summary of the ongoing collaboration in storytellers-saloon of a sometimes silly western written mainly in poetic chapters. It was for readers who didn’t read all the comments, which continued a lot of the story.
          History ended in Vol. 10 because it just took too much of my time to keep up.