
Slowly fading from reality without realizing it


AHHHHHHHHH I TALKED TO MY CRUSH FOR THE FIRST TIME TODAY but the way I embarrassed myself infront of him is literally crazy and my friends were like" oh he’s looking at you" " he’s waiting for you to talk to him" " look he’s literally taking his time to wait for you to talk to him" and I did say hi to to him at the end


So like someone in my school got stabbed and currently their in a realy critical condition and he’s only 16 years old. I don’t want to go to school anymore cause since school started theirs been only fight and today someone also broke a locker like they pushed it into the floor luckily one got was injured. 


After taking a long break of social media and focusing on my self and my mental health,IM BACK  
          Also HAPPY New Year it’s already 2 am for  and I’m at the party with my family I was forced to go also I won’t be that active on wattpad or any other social media bye bye  good night 


@beingahumanishard welcome back ! And happy new year ❤


I'm an emotional wreck right now . My older sister just left the house after an argument with my's not the first time she left the house after and argument  with them  . I think it's for real cause she packed all her stuff and it's been like a day . and since she left and I'm not really talking to my parents and I've been crying since then. It's currently 1 am and I have to sleep cause I have  summer class in like 8 hours . Good night 


praying for you<3 Psalms 46:1 & John 16:33