
Hey, I've finally been on episode again and I've found you on Wattpad. Are you gonna upload school of the gifted and the mystical on Wattpad soon??? I loved it on episode but I dont like episode annymore. It aint really handy to read you know. 
          Btw, i love school of the gifted and mystical !!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I loved the story of The School of The Gifted & Mystical. You made me remember why I loved reading. The end of season one and the beginning of season 2 was like a rollercoaster of emotions. I can't wait for next season. Great job!


Thank you! Yeah the series is one hell of a journey for both the characters and the reader so I'm glad it had you engaged as I had intended :) stay tuned! 


My dear Bec,
          You're the most incredible writer in the world! I love the story of Jett and Namine. They're perfect for each other <3 Hawk and Jess aswell :D Agh I can't even - you're just the best. You're my inspiration, a person who I look up to and please, please, please never stop writing. You should see the joy on my face when I see that you updated the story. Love you so much.
          My kindest regards, Alex


Don't worry about it :) I'm really glad you are enjoying the story. And the music is really sentimental to me too. All being songs I have been attached to at various points in life. I guess I can be a little, sensitive? Hehe. Thank you! I do try :) 


@ WriterFullOfIdeas  No problem! I'm so honored that you replied! <3 Your story is so fastinating - with no dobut the best I've ever read (and I don't only mean on "Episode". Oh and the music that you feature is so sentimental to me... I usually cry when I listen to it :P Haha thanks I try my best not to make mistakes :D
            p.s You seem like a really lovely person :) 


So sorry for the late reply! I'm just getting used to this platform. Firstly can I just say thank you so much! I'm glad you like the romance within the story ;) it's because of people like you that I do write! You make the hard work worthwhile so thank you for taking the time to write me and support me, it really does mean the world ☺️  p.s I love all the music I feature, those songs take me way back sometimes :) you speak better English than me haha! Love, Bec xoxo