
if you don’t have anything nice to say, do not comment/say anything at all. and also know better than to purposely add fuel to the fire. my page and book are safe & free spaces, not ones for hate & negativity. ik i haven’t updated in a bit, but I can still see what you’re saying and it’s not welcomed whatsoever.


exactly & thank you so much, I really appreciate it!!  this was also just in reference to some readers insulting one another in the comments for absolutely no reason; it’s quite infuriating <3


@beauty200345 that’s weird just too hate on something you know nothing about. Like if you don’t like it try writing it yourself lol, your imagines are so good take your time<3


Hey Tim. I'm Rubee.
          When I first read the book CMBYN, I did so with little appreciation to the amount of emotions you had captured with pen.
          I was quite sceptical infact.
          Read it again last year and was awestruck, tears and warmth enveloping me with each line of the book I devoured.
          I'm going through it again and somehow, I'm falling for the character Timmy.
          Thank you for sharing this raw emotions with 'me'. 
          I'm simply spellbound. 
          If I was given a last wish, it would be to meet you and Armie in person, though I probably would be tongue tied lol. 
          But I'd be so worth it though.


Hi there I have a couple imagines for you to write. One is a labor and delivery imagine. The other one is sad. Timothèe dies in a car crash leaving behind a wife and a 4 year old daughter and the mother has to explain to their daughter why he’s never coming home.


if you don’t have anything nice to say, do not comment/say anything at all. and also know better than to purposely add fuel to the fire. my page and book are safe & free spaces, not ones for hate & negativity. ik i haven’t updated in a bit, but I can still see what you’re saying and it’s not welcomed whatsoever.


exactly & thank you so much, I really appreciate it!!  this was also just in reference to some readers insulting one another in the comments for absolutely no reason; it’s quite infuriating <3


@beauty200345 that’s weird just too hate on something you know nothing about. Like if you don’t like it try writing it yourself lol, your imagines are so good take your time<3


i love ur oneshots dont ever stop 


@gayhrry thats okayyy, take all the time u need :D


thank you so much!! i am currently taking a break from writing , but hopefully i’ll be returning soon 


Hi everyone. 
          my life is still extremely shitty, that’s why i haven’t been writing/updating at all. i’m not sure if i’ll return to this book or not, i might just mark it as ‘complete’ and leave it at that.
          just wanted to come on here and wish you happy holidays :) cheers to us all for *almost*  making it through 2021 & here’s to hoping that 2022 can turn everything up and back around. 
          my heart is with anyone and everyone else who going through a difficult time right now.
          please continue to wear your mask, social distance, get vaxxed+get your booster.
          stay safe, love yourself & one another 


@beauty200345 love ur writing bar happy holidays& new yrs ty for this masterpiece of a book much love 


we understand, and we love u and ur writing so much. do whatever u think is best for u and we'll be okay. xx <3