
348K reads on “The Omega” and 61k on “The Packlife”. I haven’t had a passion or the time for writing in the past few years now, but I hope you all know that I still truly appreciate all your support. ❤️


348K reads on “The Omega” and 61k on “The Packlife”. I haven’t had a passion or the time for writing in the past few years now, but I hope you all know that I still truly appreciate all your support. ❤️


Hi bbf! Just saying I love your books and I was wondering if you're going to continue the parklifelike it's one of my favourite reads right now


@danielitiose that's too bad. But it was a great book, I hope you find your passion for writing again!


@danielitiose Hi, so glad you like my books! ❤️ I currently don’t have any plans to continue The Packlife as my life has been absolutely insane since the last time I updated! I’ve also kind of lost my passion for writing. Sorry :(


188K reads on “The Omega” and 39K reads on “The Packlife”. Thank you for all the love!
          -B ❤️


@Books2545 Thank you ❤️ I really appreciate it!


this message may be offensive
@bbf200313 I absolutely loved The Omega!! I haven’t started The Packlife yet but I plan too. Those that have nothing but rude comments can really fuck off because you have done an amazing job with your stories


I’m normally not one to talk about this but honestly, the things people choose to comment on my stories sometimes is seriously annoying and hurtful. If I get small details of a story wrong, people feel the need to point that out and spread their negative opinions. People are blowing up my email with comment notifications because they feel the need to comment on every element of a story they don’t like. Honestly, that’s half the reason I haven’t updated TPL in over a year (almost 2). The saying “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all” couldn’t be more true. I know that I could NEVER write something mean on someone’s story and as a decent human being, I can’t understand how there are people who can do that. For those who aren’t aware, I literally had to delete my first two stories because of the amount of hate I was getting. So grateful for all the love I’ve gotten on my stories, but some people really need to think about what they’re about to comment before they do because the person who wrote that book might not feel too happy reading that. Anyways, I just felt the need to get that off my chest and hopefully get people to rethink their actions even though most of the people commenting bad things aren’t followers of mine and won’t see this! Hope you’re all doing alright in these crazy times!
          -B ❤️