
what happened to back the blue? beating an officer to death isnt supporting law enforcement at all. also, if this was a black lives matter protest, they would've been killed and arrested. yet, republicans were not tear gassed, or shot with rubber bullets, when they STORMED the capital, which is an act of treason. we are doing protest for equality, while republicans are only doing this to keep an orange in the office?! what the heck is wrong with you guys.


what happened to back the blue? beating an officer to death isnt supporting law enforcement at all. also, if this was a black lives matter protest, they would've been killed and arrested. yet, republicans were not tear gassed, or shot with rubber bullets, when they STORMED the capital, which is an act of treason. we are doing protest for equality, while republicans are only doing this to keep an orange in the office?! what the heck is wrong with you guys.


black lives still matter
          muslims are still getting kill because of their religion
          hispanics are not illegal, and are still being detained by ice
          asians are still being faced with racism and are assaulted due to covid-19
          sexual assault victims are still getting blamed for their assaults just because they shared their stories
          LGBTQ+ people are still getting killed and mistreated every day
          women are still considered lower standing then men
          animals are still being mistreated
          global warming and pollution still exists
          i am here to spread awareness
          just because it isn’t ‘affecting’ you or it isn’t a ‘trend’ anymore doesn’t mean it still doesn’t exist