
I'm beating back the plotbunnies!!! Got a few more stories and content out. Not super quality work but that wasn't the idea. It was to just get them out of my head. Yay!!!


Infernal Odyssey has been completed. The plotbunnies forced me to write this one due to having the character sitting in my folders for a while. It’s a dark and disturbing fiction set in hell! It’s horror genre and rated mature. I wouldn’t recommend you reading it if you feel it’s outside your comfort zone. It’s not my best work; the only thing about it is the story and character arc. 


So I have two original fictions I’m working on that are not Creative Commons. They are the Echoes of Albion and the Skrixia: Echoes of Divinity. Oh, huh! Look at that. Both have Echoes in them. I likely need to edit the title for the second one. 


Best to clarify that the only work that doesn’t have Creative Commons will be the Great Beast Albion Saga stories as it’s a original story with original characters which is heavily inspired by magic systems found in manga and anime. 


I’ve taken care of all the current distractions and completed them. These are all CC, so feel free to build off them. While there are a few other distractions around, they aren’t enough to deter me from diving into book one of my Great Beast Albion saga.