
(  . . .  )         cb&specify  <33
          	i  think  i  got  his  portrayal  down  :))


/  hmm something humorous perhaps 


 ⠀⠀ are you wearing a SUIT? wow, i think this is the most formal i’ve ever seen you. it’s a good look, don’t get me wrong, i just was not expecting it.


@scornedartist,⠀   &&. ⠀⠀silas   couldn't   help   smile   ever   so   slightly.   his   father   was   certainly   something   and   having   someone   believe   him   about   it   was   a   good   feeling.   charles   was   the   face   of   the   mutant   movement—-   the   one   many   people   relied   on   to   spread   the   message   of   mutants   being   good   people.   and   while   that   was   fine   and   dandy,   it   didn't   excuse   losing   himself   to   the   cause.   not   when   it   cost   the   sanity   and   wellbeing   of   / only /   mutants.
                  "random   and   concerning?   you   just   described   some   of   my   favorite   things.   "   he   noticed   her   engraving   this   in   her   memory   and   he   rolled   his   eyes   fondly.   was   it   truly   / that /   unbelievable   to   see   him   dressed   up?         (      yes.     )      "take   a   picture   it'll   last   longer.   "   he   crossed   his   arms   before   taking   in   her   next   question.   "after?   why,   thinking   about   asking   me   out?   "   he   joked   as   he   tried   to   recall   any   plans   in   place.   "nothing   that   can't   be   canceled.   "


 ⠀⠀ she was honestly just surprised he even put it on, even if it was for a meeting with his father. it was so different from his usual attire, she didn’t know how to react to it. though she wouldn’t lie and say he didn’t look really good in it, because he definitely did.
             ⠀⠀ “your father sounds like a peach,” sarcasm dripped from her words like the venom dripped from a snakes fangs. from what she’s heard about silas’ father, she didn’t like him one bit and she hadn’t even met the guy! “maybe, but i’d hope you have the decency to ask me before you did. my thoughts can be quite random and sometimes concerning, so you’ll never really know what to expect.” she gave a shrug before she looked him up and down once or twice, not even trying to check him out, simply just trying to paint this moment in her mind. she would definitely make jokes about this specific interaction later, whenever she would ever get the chance. “what’re you doing after this meeting of yours?”


@scornedartist,⠀   &&. ⠀⠀silas   did   his   best   to   ignore   the   jubilation   that   shined   through   her   expression.   he   knew   he   looked   good,   it's   often   what   got   him   from   point   a   to   point   b,   but   all   this   over   a   suit?   he   wasn't   initially   sure   what   to   make   of   it.   despite   that   though,   he   stood   tall.
                  "an   entirely   pointless   press   meeting   with   my   father.   "   he   admitted.   it   was   no   secret   that   he   still   had   contact   with   his   father.   after   past   events,   he   had   to   keep   up   with   appearances.   make   the   world   believe   he   was   no   danger   to   lives.   he   quickly   switched   gears   though,   hating   to   dwell   on   anything   that   didn't   bring   immediate   joy   and/or   gratification.   "enjoy   it   while   you   have   it,   hmm?   don't   forget   i   can   peek   at   those   thoughts   in   there.   "   he   motioned   to   her   head   before   buttoning   a   few   buttons   on   his   jacket.


 ⠀⠀ she’s YOURS? well, she’s beautiful so i’ll give you that.


@scornedartist,⠀   &&. ⠀⠀silas   couldn't   help   but   smirk   to   himself   as   he   unlocked   the   car.   he   hadn't   aimed   to   intimidate   the   other,   truly.   it   simply   came   down   to   his   body   language.   he   was   naturally   sharp   yet   collected   with   his   movements,   even   away   from   danger.   and   while   it   had   not   been   his   goal,   the   smirk   revealed   he   found   it   a   little   funny   regardless.
                   he   got   into   the   driver's   seat   and   motioned   to   the   her   to   follow   his   lead   and   get   in.   "now   you're   just   flirting   with   me.  "   he   hummed.   waiting   until   she   got   in,   he   turned   the   key   and   brought   her   to   life.   the   sound   was   music   to   his   ears.
                  he   took   the   car   out   fairly   often,   seeing   as   it   was   his   favorite   method   of   transportation.   cruising   around   with   someone   else   though?   that   wasn't   as   frequent.   sure,   he'd   had   others   in   the   car   but   not   without   a   destination   in   mind.


 ⠀⠀ her eyes never left the male as he moved to stand, pulling her hand away from his car to take a small step back from it. she didn’t want to overstep and with the way he stood up, she felt like she had. she had half the mind to apologize before he had asked her if she wanted a ride, to which her shock had displayed itself on her features. had he really asked her that? wow.
             ⠀⠀ “a ride in this beautiful car of yours? i would be happy to,” she admitted with a sheepish smile while her hand went to rub the nape of her neck. her father had always talked good things about these cars, mostly how beautiful it was inside and out, and now she really saw it for herself. he was not kidding, at least now about the exterior. 


@scornedartist ⠀   &&. ⠀⠀silas   slowly   stood.   he'd   been   cleaning   the   headlights   when   aubrey   approached.   his   car   was   one   of   the   very,   very   / few /   wholly   good   things   to   his   name.   he   was   hesitant   of   course   but   hid   it   behind   an   aloof   and   cool   exterior.   he   tossed   the   rag   to   the   side   in   one   fluid   movement.   "you   wanna   go   for   a   ride,   van   gogh?   "   he   tilted   his   head,   blue   eyes   shining   with   slight   excitement.
                  his   car   meant   EVERYTHING   to   him.   despite   his   exterior,   he   was   thrilled   someone   took   the   same   interest   in   it   as   him.


 ⠀⠀ does this one have a meaning?


@scornedartist,⠀   &&. ⠀⠀"not   necessarily   weaponry   but   that's   a   story   for   another   time.   it's   a   bore.   "   he   deliberated   on   how   much   he   wanted   to   give   away.   how   much   of   his   story   was   worth   telling?   and   how   much   would   he   be   willing   to   give   out?   the   thoughts   swarmed   his   thoughts   for   a   few   moments—-   only   broken   by   the   apology.
                  he   turned   to   fully   face   her   once   again.   it   was   something   he   hadn't   expected   from   her.   "i   don't   think   about   it   much.   not   anymore.   "   he   slid   his   tank   back   on,   concealing   pieces   of   the   tattoo   once   more.


 ⠀⠀ her gaze shifted from his face to the words permanently etched into his skin, reading them despite the fact that he had already spoken it. ‘soldiers have guns.’ she pondered the meaning for a moment before it was simply laid out for her by the other, her gaze lifting to his eyes when he spoke. “he taught kids just to use them to fight his own battles?” that’s messed up, even she knew that. how could his father not? “i’m sorry you had to go through that,” she was assuming he went through the same thing as those other kids when she apologized, not really knowing if that was the truth or not.


@scornedartist,⠀   &&. ⠀⠀silas   hummed   before   sliding   off   his   shirt   and   turning   away   from   her.   granted,   it   was   merely   a   tank   top   so   it   didn't   hide   much,   but   most   of   the   words   lay   hidden   behind   the   fabric.   "soldiers   have   guns.   "   he   recited   it   from   memory   as   he   peered   back   at   her   from   over   his   shoulder.   "a   dig   at   my   old   man.   training   kids,   normal   people,   to   fight   his   battles.   "   he   divulged   the   other.


 ⠀⠀ you look upset… would you like to talk about it?


@scornedartist,⠀   &&. ⠀⠀at   her   shift   in   tone,   he   was   a   little   surprised.   he   didn't   think   his   response   was   really   all   that   out   of   pocket.   someone   being   interested   in   his   well-being   was   something   he   was   still   learning   to   accept.   his   father   only   reached   out   when   he   needed   something,   his   mother   was   never   the   kindest   soul,   and   the   xmen—-   well   they   were   something   entirely   their   own.   he   only   desired   to   know   WHY   she   cared.   why   she   deemed   his   state   to   be   something   worth   considering.   and   even   now,   knowing   she   meant   well,   he   found   himself   looking   for   any   sign   of   deceit.   perhaps   the   first   comment   had   been   / too /   forward   but   who   was   he   without   some   tongue   in   cheek   humor?
                  still,   he   recovered   quickly   as   he   picked   at   the   chipped   black   polish   on   his   nails.   irritation.   an   emotion   he   often   pushed   back   on.   it   took   everything   in   him   to   not   bite   at   the   hand   trying   to   feed   him.   he   wasn't   born   a   violent   dog—-   so   why   was   it   so   hard   not   to   bite?
                   "i   asked   you   why.   forgive   me   if   i'd   like   to   hear   the   answer.   "   he   looked   at   her,   his   eyes   stoic   in   nature.   "i've   had   enough   brain   scanning   for   a   lifetime.   "   he   added.


 ⠀⠀ aubrey stared at him, her usual soft hazel eyes hardening at both his words and that god awful smirk. did she know what he meant by that first part exactly? no, but she at least TRIED to be there for him. that was what mattered to her and judging by his own actions, it didn’t seem to matter to him. she could somewhat understand the reason he was like this, but it still hurt her to some degree. her arms crossed over her chest, something she often did in order to feel somewhat protected from the world, and shook her head.
             ⠀⠀ “you’re the mind-reader here, why don’t you ‘take a peek’ like you apparently so often do and tell me.” for once since the first time they met, her words were filled with pure irritation. she meant what she had said their first conversation, she had no desire to associate with people who took their anger out on other people out of boredom. though in this case, she knew it wasn’t for that reason, but the point remained— she refused to tolerate his behavior towards her when she hadn’t done anything wrong.


@scornedartist,⠀   &&. ⠀⠀silas   was   used   to   brooding   for   a   while   and   then   exploding.   it   was   something,   even   now   as   he   tried   to,   couldn't   unlearn   from   his   youth.   he   had   it   down   to   a   pattern.   nearly.   he'd   be   great,   on   top   of   his   game   if   you   will,   and   that'd   last   a   while.   until   something   inevitably   falls   through   the   cracks   and   set   him   off   yet   again.   and   he'd   marinate   in   the   emotions   of   it   all—-   in   the   PAIN.   from   there   he'd   eventually   lose   himself   in   any   and   all   froms   of   distractions.   people,   things,   etc.   all   of   this   / alone /.
                 what   would   he   like   to   do?   he   wasn't   that   far   in   the   process   yet.   he   hadn't   a   clue   what   would   bring   him   comfort   right   then.   that   didn't   mean   he   couldn't   pretend   he   did   though.   "nothing   / you /   can   help   me   with.   "   he   smirked   to   himself,   yet   another   moment   of   undying   habits   he   couldn't   shake.   "why   do   you   care?   "   he   wondered   after   a   few   beats.


how is my favorite mischievous midgardian doing? tell me all of your tales, i’m quite interested.


@mischiefsmaker,⠀   &&. ⠀⠀i   may   not   be   a   god   but   i   have   some   tricks   'n   talents   up   my   sleeve.     (      he   hummed,   tilting   his   head   slightly.     )      honestly,   i   was   just   aiming   for   some   peace   and   quiet   but   i   got   both.    could've   had   more   but   the   rest   were   gluten-free.   :(


 ⠀  me, soft? i did realize you were a jokester too, midgardian. no no, i am simply here to appreciate someone who could one day be as great as me.   *the trickster god offered a smile, though it quickly became a laugh at the mutant’s words.*   i’m curious, was the free pastry your intent or was it simply a very appreciated bonus?


@mischiefsmaker,⠀   &&. ⠀⠀your   favorite?   don't   tell   me   you're   getting   soft   on   me   already.      (     he   crossed   his   arms   and   smirked,   clearly   a   little   flattered.      )      i'm   well.   convinced   a   few   people   that   the   end   of   the   world   was   near.   got   me   a   free   pastry.