
looking at my wattpad is like looking at a historical document... spent so many of my teenage years on here


guys i am writing the most scrumptious genshin fics right now… hold on tight bcz i promise they’re gonna be good. my writing has genuinely improved a lot and i’m getting excited. 
          one’s a historical/royal inspired oc/diluc fic, having to do with fatui and fontaine and mondstadt. the other is an isekai involving la signora, eventual oc/childe, enemies to lovers type thing. 
          don’t know when i’ll be posting these, but my goal is to have at least 70% of each fic done before i post. adulting is hard and i haven’t had as much time to write as i did pre-college :’)
          reminder (as always) that anything i post will hit ao3 first. i have the same user there, so keep an eye out for updates. 


ayo— quick life/status update 
          got into my dream uni with a full ride >:) 
          so school’s cooling down for a bit. i’ve been doing some writing and plan on updating some stuff soon. 
          as i’ve said before, i’m more active on ao3 (same user) so check that out for newer fanfics i’m working on and for more frequent updates. i’ve got a one piece/naruto crossover i’m actively working on there, so check that out if you want. 
          hope y’alls have had a good new year so far— stay tuned for updates!


i’ll slowly be transitioning my stuff to mostly ao3. formatting on wattpad is killing my vibe, and it’s so dead most of the time that i’m never motivated to write anything. i feel like the maturity pipeline of fanfic writers goes from wattpad to ao3 and then ff.net, so it’s only natural that i’m moving on. my old stuff will still be on here, and chances are newer stuff will come out at some point, but ao3 will be my main platform for now.