
Wow! I have 80 followers now! I don't know why you guys follow me, but thank you and thank you  This account has the highest follower I ever have in any social media. I have zero follower on IG, 20 on twitter and 18 on YT  
          	Anyway about a month ago I decided to join the war and fight for him especially on twitter. And boy! how much everyday I'm reminded about why I'm not a social media person. Drama on the fandom everyday. If we didn’t fight with antis, we would fight with each other and people are so sensitive that one person misspoke can cause chaos to the whole fandom 
          	My first intention of joining twitter is fully to support him and only that. I really hope I can focus myself to just do that and not spread hatred or join the chaos instead 


@ayanahiromi Please update soon na mam! I just can't wait for the updates. And I love you and your story both a lot ❤️


Hey Author how're you doing ? Today I complete reading your book I must say it's truly amazing and entertaining ... I loved the story & always excited to read what happens next ... Please release second part also .. I can't wait ! ❤️


Hello author, i completed reading Vegaspete series fanfic . I loved it . I loved yourself writing skills and creativity. Only thing . Can you please/ Will you add more kimporchay part to the story . ( U see I was waiting for swaping roles stuff and their further story, Like since the first time I watched kinnporsche and read these fanfic .  Kimporchay is favourite couple.. so can u please .... I want to read more about them . ( And thanks for giving me their reunion ))


Hi Ms,
          I'm reading your fanfic and I think it's very interesting.  I'm really surprised because your profile looks so young but you can create such a captivating story.  I come from Vietnam and in my country, we are very like this kind story, can I ask your permission to translate this fanfic into Vietnamese and share it on social networks in Vietnam.  I will quote the original story in full.  Thank you very much and let me know if you have any concern


@ ayanahiromi  23 is very young. You're so great. OMG, I'm 30 and i just can trans fanfic. Thanks for your friendly. I promise to put your name as the writer because this fanfic is your and i always respect original writer. Thank you again and i will send you some comment when I public


@ CmV772  hallo, thank you for reading my story. I'm glad you like my story. I'm 23 btw,  hehe, I don’t know if I'm considered young or old. 
            I don’t mind if you want to translate it to another languange as long as you still put my name as the writer. I will be happy if more people read my story 


Hlw author. How are u ? Today I have completed reading this story. I am amazed by ur writing skills. One question. How come u make all these plots , these are so creative and full of twists. I was somewhat thinking what should be it's possible end. But no... at the end u again come with twist. U r really amazing author. I am intrigued by this story. I was really not ready for the epilogue part. Ohh noo how I am going to have patience to wait for next update. Please write again. I am cheering up for u. . One more thing , please don't be disheartened by ongoing problem with Build. I am sure everything will be sorted out. I have faith everything will be for best. Thank you for this story. Have a nice day ahead 


@ Ashimtahjds  hi reader, thank you for reading my story, I'm really glad you like it. I think I can say that I was born with this kind of creativity, hahaha.
            Thank you for cheering for me, I'm on a process to make a short story for this FF but I'm also still in the middle of recovering for all the drama that happened between that woman and Biu. I really hope I have your positivity. Somedays I also believe everything will be fine, Karma will hit those bad people real hard. But some other days, I'll feel so angry and disgusted by that woman and all the things she did. And when I feel that way, all my spirit to write will fly out of the window
            I guess, I still need time to short out my feeling and stabelize my own mood. Again, thank you for reading my story. Please wait for my next story. 


Dear  author,just finished reading your book.loved it a lot.ever since build's issue  happened I have  been  reading  vp ffs to distract myself from all the chaos.but only a few got me really hooked up.yours is one of them.i want to believe this is the really sequel to kp and not the trash that alien recently  published.Are you gonna write a second season  to this book?if yes,when?? Would like to read more of your  works.keep writing...and can you share your IG I'd.would love to  follow you


@SreelekshmiArun thank you for responding  dear.i really get you.these whole issue affected us all a lot. At times I regretted being a bl fan.i felt that if I hadn't  watched Kp and became a fan of BBB ,then I wouldn't have to go through all these pain.but then I felt that may be it was in our fate to become his fan and support  build at his worst time. I am proud  of  myself and all his fans that we stood  with  him and and gave him the courage to come back..Pete is always build for me.i always try to forget that VP was created  by that woman and when I read some good ffs like yours I convince  myself that you are the original  creators of my favorite  characters..we will  wait for  you  to  come back when you are ready. Be it a sequel or a  completely  different book 


@ SreelekshmiArun  hi, dear, thank you so much for reading my book and I'm really glad you like it. To be honest, Biu's issue has been troubled me so so much and it affecting my writing process. It's mostly because I write a story about the character that originally created by that woman and it bother me alot everytime I remember about that. But I have a responsibility to finish this story, for my reader who is waiting for the next update. I have a doubt in my self if I ever able to finish it but despite all the struggle, I manage to finish it. 
            I do have ideas for the next story but I don’t know if I have the strength to write it. Sometimes when I feel really disgusted about the original creator of Vegas and Pete, I tried to remember how much Biu poured his heart and soul into bringing Pete's character alive and it give me some strength to keep on writing. 
            Right now, I'm still in the process to recover from all of the chaos that woman has created. Maybe not a full sequel yet, but I'm on the process to create a one shot or short story from this ff. Please wait for it.
            I'm not a social media person, mostly I'm on social media only to follow news. I do have an IG acc but never post anything on it and I heve zero follower, haha. If you want you can follow me, my acc is @ayanahiromi


Wow! I have 80 followers now! I don't know why you guys follow me, but thank you and thank you  This account has the highest follower I ever have in any social media. I have zero follower on IG, 20 on twitter and 18 on YT  
          Anyway about a month ago I decided to join the war and fight for him especially on twitter. And boy! how much everyday I'm reminded about why I'm not a social media person. Drama on the fandom everyday. If we didn’t fight with antis, we would fight with each other and people are so sensitive that one person misspoke can cause chaos to the whole fandom 
          My first intention of joining twitter is fully to support him and only that. I really hope I can focus myself to just do that and not spread hatred or join the chaos instead 


@ayanahiromi Please update soon na mam! I just can't wait for the updates. And I love you and your story both a lot ❤️