
Hi guys 
          	After soooo long... I know I know... 
          	Well I don't know  what to say hehe.. 
          	And ya many of you wanted me to update the book  nd even I  wanted to write but I don't know whenever I decided to write my mind get blocked I don't know why  even I know the whole plot, story still I can't able to write.. 
          	So if any one have any solution for this problem  please  tell me..
          	And yeah if anyone wants to ask anything.. or share anything you guys can do it..
          	Basically I'm getting bored let's have some talk..
          	Ok thanks bye 


@awesomeshivu Where are u madam? Talk to me


@awesomeshivu not sure if this work... Nothing to offend... May be anyone interested among the readers can help with you like a collaboration... Because wherever you come into that zone someone is there to share the view and help out... Another thing might be don't try to force yourself into writing the whole chapters at one go... Whichever comes first note oy down... And then whenever you are available format it .. Make modifications and post


@awesomeshivu There must be a reason why you have started writing or there might be some story or book that may have inspired you initially to give a hand in writing, why don't you revisit that source of i inspiration. Maybe it will hit again in the same way 