
Merry Christmas Guys (to all that celebrate) and hope you had an amazing day. 
          	The next chapter of Privileged Murder will be out shortly. I do have to apologize for my slow writing skills - I have been hospitalized recently and am only just ending the recovery period haha. Make sure you catch up on any unread chapters before the new addition and remember I love to read your comments so please keep them coming. 
          	Hope I haven't lost you all whilst I've been away :)
          	- H


Merry Christmas Guys (to all that celebrate) and hope you had an amazing day. 
          The next chapter of Privileged Murder will be out shortly. I do have to apologize for my slow writing skills - I have been hospitalized recently and am only just ending the recovery period haha. Make sure you catch up on any unread chapters before the new addition and remember I love to read your comments so please keep them coming. 
          Hope I haven't lost you all whilst I've been away :)
          - H