
          	i will be taking a couple of weeks off of posting story parts but should be back soon. thank you all for the support. 


          i’m sorry it’s been so long since i’ve last posted an update. i’m finished with school for now and therefore will be able to be more consistent here :) i’m sorry for being so inconsistent for so long, i’ve missed writing and reading a lot and am glad to be able to spend more time with my hobbies during this break. 
          i’m still working out a schedule and will let you all know when i’m certain :) 
          thank you all for the support, it truly means the world to me! 


i should have new parts for my story’s up tomorrow. i’ve been stressed with exams and schoolwork which is why i haven’t posted these past few weeks. i am going to try to have new parts up every weekend, unless i have lots of schoolwork
          i’m really sorry i haven’t been consistent on here. school and mental health has really had me tired and unmotivated but i want to keep writing as i do really enjoy it
          i also want more time to read other people’s stories on here 
          thank you for the support as always 


@valentiamoon_ it’s okay. It might had been Wattpad glitching again. I’m doing well. Don’t push yourself too much. My stories aren’t going anywhere.


@GanLeiz hi, sorry i have worried you i’ve just been busy and stressed lately. thank you for the support i have started reading your story and will keep reading when i have the time. i just have a lot of work to keep up with. and i’m pretty sure i announced that message i’ll make sure to double check when i next announce something :) hope you’re doing well 


@valentiamoon_ I was being to worry about you, since I haven’t been seeing your messages. Have you been announcing them to your followers? I’m glad your doing okay. I’m going to finish your story as well as others that I have in library when school is over too. No one is rushing you. Take the time that you need. Your health and school are more important at the moment . Their stories are not going anywhere. 


hi, sorry I haven’t been active just been dealing with life. Hope you’re doing great


oh hey! thank you i’m trying to haha. hope you’re doing well :)


I hope your doing well. I know this is late, but care of yourself. It been tough on all of us.