
Please read my new chapter in The Bell of Freedom: "Dedicated to the animals." I'm trying to raise awareness about vivisection here in the UK which is considered to be banned but it isn't. Beagle puppies are still being bred in the UK and sold to laboratories to undergo horrific, needless, agonizing experiments until they die. And the government support it! A group called Camp Beagle (find them on facebook) are working tirelessly to end this barbaric, evil practise and they need your help too! Show support, spread awareness. THIS IS STILL HAPPENING. Puppies are being sent to their deaths. Animals are still needlessly giving their lives for NO REASON. 
          	If you ignore this and try to forget all about it then you are part of the problem. Evil things will continue as long as we do nothing. People look at posts like this and carry on. Why? Because it hurts to think about it? Because you'd rather not know? Imagine having bleach poured down your throat through a mask that you can't remove. Now THAT hurts. And this is what the UK are doing to beagles right now. To dogs. To puppies.  2,000 are bred a year for it. They just sent for a large shipment from the puppy farm to these labs yesterday. These dogs are still alive right now but if we all do nothing then they will be tortured to their deaths LEGALLY. 
          	Read the dedication and please research carefully, I have lost sleep over learning about this and what they do to them. I will not rest until these dogs are free and if you have a conscious you won't either. Join the fight on facebook-- Camp Beagle. Help spread awareness and shut these evil farms down!


Hi. I just finished ‘The Bell of Freedom’. It was so engaging and such a creative storyline line. I loved being able to feel totally immersed in the world you created. You make the reader feel so many emotions and I was in tears near the end. 
          I originally did try to read you story on Inkitt as suggested but unfortunately the App/site doesn’t seem to have an audio feature (well that I could find) so I had to settle for Wattpad with Text-to Speech. But even if this is only a ‘rough’ version or not as complete with additional chapters, it didn’t matter. It was still fantastic and I never noticed any gaps in the storyline. You have great creative talent as a writer and cannot wait to read/Listen to more of your work. 
          Congratulations on a well written and top quality book!


@SnowfakesElegance thank you so much! I'm so pleased you enjoyed it! The feature is only available on Wattpad unfortunately but there is extra content on my Inkitt account including Cain's POV. I'm just more active on there. Thank you xxx


          I love your books their amazing but i have a question book to of thorn and devon will you write it or we will have to wait long for it... bcs that book was amazing , im intriguid to no know whats gonna happend...


@GianniMartina No, unfortunately it will only be available on Inkitt for the foreseeable. You should consider downloading it, it's a very easy app to use and the books are amazing :-)


@autumnskiess ughhh thats to bad bcs i dont have inkitt, by any chance that it will reapeared on watpadd‍♀️


@GianniMartina hi, thank you so much that's very sweet :-)!! I'm glad you enjoyed Thorn. The second book is posted on my Inkitt page, you can read it there for free x