          	I’m doing Q/A on Instagram. If you have any questions feel free to ask.♥️♥️


Hey author, hope you're doing well. I wanted to ask the update schedule of "saiyyan" (if there is any) and also how many chapters does it have?? It's just that i want to read it and I'm so impatient that once i start it I'll be so impatient for you to update lol


Well there is no schedule. Whenever I get time I write and upload but after a few months I’ll set the update schedule.❤️


Should I change the cover as many of you are not liking the cover?


@Priyankamikey I will give update in 2-3days. ♥️♥️♥️♥️


Did you like the new cover?♥️♥️


@authorkaycee previous one was better 


It takes me more than one day to decide if I should change the cover or not.♥️


@authorkaycee don't mind but I think previous one was more better but it is your choice this one is also good :)[smiley wala emoji]


Hey sunshine! I hope you are having a great time.
          A lot of readers are messaging me regarding the upcoming update. I want to inform you that the next update will be a double update i.e. chp-19 & chp-20 will be updated together. 
          I haven’t done writing the chapter-20. More than half of it is left writing because I am engrossed in my studies as i have exams coming up. 
          I will give you the update maybe after a week. Because I have so many ideas running inside my little brain and if I will not write systematically it can ruin the story which I seriously don’t want. 
          So yeah! Have patience with me, my sunshine. I can understand but please understand my situation too. Just have faith in me I won’t leave  y’all in the middle of the story. 
          You can follow me on Instagram for spoilers I have already uploaded them. 
          Lot’s of kisses<3
          And stay hydrated. Drink more and more water It’s really burning outside. 
          Thank you♥️☺️