
Hi friends!
          	It's been AGES since I gave you all an update on the Walter Boys TV show, so here’s the news you’ve all been waiting for...
          	I am beyond thrilled to announce that My Life with the Walter Boys is coming to Netflix December 7th!

          	You can watch the trailer here:
          	I started posting this story to Wattpad more than a decade ago. The reception it received has changed my life over and over again. No words will ever be enough to express how grateful I am to this amazing community for loving My Life with the Walter Boys, so thank you from the bottom of my heart. Without Wattpad my dream never would have come true. I hope you all enjoy the show.
          	For those of you looking for news on the publication of Heartstrings and In A Heartbeat (and maybe other fun surprises?), don't worry. That will be coming soon too. Keep your eyes peeled. 
          	Ali, Jackie, Cole, Alex, and the rest of the Walter crew.


@authoralinovakThank you so much for this AMAZING story and series!
          	  I'm looking forward to a sequel (if there will be one)
          	  Thank you very much to you and the whole team.
          	  And could you say hello to Alex, Cole and Jackie, because my ultimate dream would be to meet them.
          	  Goodbye and have a good day everyone!


Contains mature content, intimacy, extreme romance with forced love! 
          Mafia love!
          Are you tired of the same recycled stories?
          Are you craving something different, something unique? Look no further than this new novel that's taking the literary world by storm. This book is not just another story; it's an experience. With its complex characters, gripping storyline, and unexpected twists
          -contains mature content.
          -dark romance 
          -Forced love


          Las invito a leer la nueva historia de una amiga llamada "1001 intentos de tenerte..." Esta basada en una situación real de la cual ella formó parte y les aseguro que les encantará, actualmente solo esta publicado hasta el primer capítulo, pero ya se esta trabajando para actualizar rápido, espero y le den una oportunidad les aseguro que no se van a arrepentir.