
Half of stuck next chapter is written BUT I’m moving into a new place this weekend and my mind is all over the place so it will probably come next week but no promises. I’m sorry I know I’m the slowest author on this platform TT


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It is a goooooood fucking day with one less motherfucker on this planet! Iran's president is deaaaaaaaaad woooooohoooooooooooooo


@luo-yi-trash you are confusing him with the leader. In iran there is a leader who is always there and every 4 years there is a new president (ir really every 8 years cuz they get re-assigned.) this latest motherfucker killed hundreds in the latest revolution attempt, imprisoned thousands to the point the prisons were full and is still executing those imprisoned. Which is why i had to leave iran.


@author_augustmoon wait really? You're from IRAN ?  Did he really kill all those muslim sunnis back in the 2000s? So he's really a terrorist? Sorry lol i got a bit excited 


Not random. Im from iran lololol and im so happy that monster is dead now


I really wanted to finish writing stuck this weekend (my days off are Thursday and Friday) but life’s been all over the place. My grandma is coming. I have a lot of things to do and I also have to search for an apartment… gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah adulting is hard. 


Thinking probably "The forsaken blood" since I have all the plot and dont have to struggle with connecting the dots here and there :D but then again I would really love to start writing "For better or worse" again... because ai have to get that one done before "Stargaze". Gaaaaaahhhhhhhh too many stories to WRITE!


I am ashamed to say I have completely forgotten Hyu exists :')