
Forgot to mention, Prologue and Ch. 13 Cycles have already been edited.




@CayenneSugar Stop, really!? I’ve been looking everywhere for more content (that’s so sweet of you, thank you!!)
            I’m making an account immediately!! (:


Oh speaking of Heatshadow being a lesser known paring- I’ve been spreading their name (and yours) on Tumblr by making silly art and headcanons about them- if you wanna check it out just search up my name, it’s the same as my Wattpad name! ^^ I have some mutuals who are ecstatic about your return and are also eagerly waiting for what you’re going to do next!


Thank you so much!! I got literal whiplash doing a double check on this notification.
            Reaching 1k was so surreal when I first started that book and 10k had my jaw on the floor.
            20k is absolutely INSANE to me. Especially for a book with a lesser known pairing. I’ve no words, just so much gratitude to you and everyone who gave it a shot (:
            Thanks for letting me now, I’m always late in noticing read count milestones haha.




I’m here!!
            Sorry, I didn’t see your previous message, but you’re not a bother at all, I appreciate you motivating me to keep working on these silly little books (:
            As for new chapters, I can’t promise anything for sure, I’m settling into a new job and have a few others things on my plate, but I’m hoping to have the next chapter (or possibly chapters) out sometime by the end of this month.
            Chapter 23 has been particularly hard to write and honestly made me realize a few plot holes the plot had, hence the changes I’m planning.
            I’ve been working on rewriting the draft that didn’t save properly but my notes are all scattered across docs, Google keep, and my notes app and trying to find anything has been super chaotic, but I’ll get it done soon, I promise!
            (Hope you have an amazing trip btw! Safe travels!)


I just wanted to ask this before I travel for a full day back to my home country, I hope I’m not bothering you with this but when do you think you’ll post a new chapter?? Sorry if I sound demanding I’m just curious as you’re reorganizing some chapters 


Just a little question, are you gonna notify us whenever you edit your chapters? Just wondering because I’m not sure whether or not Wattpad notifies us about changes to already uploaded chapters. 


Yep, don't worry, I'll be announcing all edited chapters as they are updated. I'll probably do a few at a time in between new chapters. 
            Most changes aren't anything crazy, just little extra scenes or simple rewording.
            For the few 'bigger' changes (mostly tweaking of backstories and some dialogue), I'll add references to the chapter with the mentioned change in my author's notes so you guys don't have to reread the whole thing.
            I've just been wanting to switch up my writing style a little and I just felt some of the chapters could use a little polishing to improve the overall story.


Hey guys. It's been so long, and I've just been dealing with a lot. I'm gonna be vague in saying family issues, because of privacy reasons, but basically, I've been having to travel back and forth to take care of a few different issues.
          I was planning on updating back in January, had the chapter basically ready but I guess something happened with the doc the chapter was on, because I worked on most of ending on the plane back and it just didn't save. Small set back but a few weeks after returning from traveling, few other issues arose and I traveled back almost mid February and just got back a few weeks ago.
          That being said, seeing as I barely touched my books, I was able to see them with fresh eyes and I’ve decided I'll be making a few changes to past chapters on Back to You and adjust the plot a little. Nothing too major like last time but it will be significantly longer.
          Thank you all for being so so so patient with me. And I'm sorry for rarely being consistent with updates, but I hope you can understand where I'm coming from. I'm trying my best to finish this next chapter and the next few that are almost done.
          Special thanks to @CayenneSugar @Algohe @drawingandeatingfood @Taylor782584 for all the concerned messages. The notification count in my inbox had me speechless. Thank you for the kind messages, I appreciate them so much.


@43110joke No, I just didn’t have the time. (and it’s okay) (:


@astrxphilx I thought you have up and sorry for late reply :)


I’m getting pretty worried about you now 


@CayenneSugar they might be living in an area that had a natural disaster happen, or had to evacuate to a safer area for some reason