
All of His Flowers is back up! :)


I loved his flowers, do you by any chance have another book planned for the future which I can look forward too??


@ Meisje010  hi, I need a miracle. do you read Rome mafia? I'm doing a school project on the mafia and I also wanted the point of view of readers/authors. except that I forgot that Wattpad would delete the messages and I lost all the replies from the people who helped me. the deadline is coming soon and I need help. could you answer some questions? if you don't want to answer here, I'll leave you my Instagram.  
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Hey there!  I hope you're doing well. I wanted to reach out and introduce myself – I'm a newbie writer on Wattpad, and I just posted my first book! ✨ It's been an exciting journey so far, and I'd love it if you could check it out and be a part of my writing adventure. 
          It would mean a lot to me if you could explore my work and maybe even share your thoughts. Looking forward to connecting with fellow writers and readers!  #NewWriter #WattpadJourney
