
I can't remember started having problems with tablet what ever it was giving you love for making my days happy and stress free lve live


Hey Sweetheart! Haven't heard from you in a bit and wanted to check in. Make sure you're okay. Things here are ok. Fighting a tough cold but it will pass. Hope all is well with you and yours!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


@ashleyhall232 Cold is almost done. Haven't put much effort in on the job hunt with this cold  but will go back to it this week! Hoping I find a position I enjoy but we'll see what we can find! ❤️


@chocolatewithtea hi love how is the job hunting going any particular one you looking for   has the cold gone away above all love find a job you will love and it's fulfilling


@ashleyhall232 You aren't a bother in the slightest!! Just been a rather crazy year! Doing my best to build my immune system. Glad things are going so well for you. About to start job hunting again so keep your fingers crossed for me! Hoping to substitute teach so I have some flexibility in my schedule. We'll see! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hi Ashley!! Hope you're having a great weekend! I've been super busy and today will be no different BUT I'm watching football while I fold clothes! LOL I think I'm finally adjusted after the Singapore Trip! I loved it and would go back in a second! Had a long layover in Seoul and I'm already looking at which year I can go back there! Gods, I do love to travel!! HUGS and blessings to you and your family!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 


@ashleyhall232  Sleep well, sweetie!! ❤️❤️❤️


@chocolatewithtea on that we both agree  time speeds up Friday evenings  Saturdays stuff to do then most day is gone Sundays church  getting ready for Monday like this mnuteb9:22pm Sunday over  oh I have to fit in housework as for our teams next year will come good night my love chat Monday 


@ashleyhall232 My Seahawks and my Cowboys fizzled too. So disappointing! Guess There's always next year! I've decided weekend's need to be 3 days long. 2 days is just not enough!! LOL