
I've decided to say goodbye to this account! Thank you to anyone who's come upon my writing and shown your support in any way, because any amount of recognition made me overjoyed, but I'm taking down my stories after this message is posted and deleting this account if I can. I'm very sorry that I've never truly finished writing a story, but I do with writing stories as I do with reading many books - I put them aside before I witness the end. 
          	Much Love and Gratitude,
          	     Steph :)


I've decided to say goodbye to this account! Thank you to anyone who's come upon my writing and shown your support in any way, because any amount of recognition made me overjoyed, but I'm taking down my stories after this message is posted and deleting this account if I can. I'm very sorry that I've never truly finished writing a story, but I do with writing stories as I do with reading many books - I put them aside before I witness the end. 
          Much Love and Gratitude,
               Steph :)


Have you guys seen my new post?  IT'S A NEW STORY! A romance, to be clear. This one doesn't involve other worldly happenstance, but it does involve the persistent pursuit of love by two past sweethearts who haven't seen each other for YEARS! Don't you just wish that could happen to you? Instead of wishing it could happen, read on and stay tuned for short/ sweet, easy-to-keep-up-with chapters to update! 
          Much Love <3


Sadly, I confirm that my attention has again been diverted towards work and classes, so Tripping Over Hearts will not be updated for a while. I'm working on it, nonetheless, whenever I can. Thank you to those who have read it!! I'll post previews and new story ideas in the Stories in the Works to keep my page online.
          Much love to you all! :)


Catch up on chapter two so you won't have to wait to read chapter three!! It'll most likely be posted by next weekend instead of this weekend, since I have testing to study for, and it's a crucial chapter that needs time. Much love to you guys, and have a good night :P


I'm back and a lot has changed since! Finally decided to start writing on here again! You might be surprised by my story choice from "Previews - Stories in the Works", but keep your eyes out for when it's published (soon, I promise).