
Hi! I think you're the one who left me a review for Violate Me on Thank you so much for leaving me a review and for reading the whole story! I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you read my other stuff! Btw, I noticed that 50shadesoffarmiga deleted their account or changed their name. Do you still follow her/him? Do you know if s/he is still posting Violate Me as their own work?


@bsbgurl hey! yea I loved it. u should totally add more to it because it was beyond amazing. and I'm not quite sure I'll check if they deleted their account and stuff.


Hi! I'm the original author of Violate Me and I saw that you really liked my story. 50shadesoffarmiga stole it from me and posted it on here. I finished writing the story last year, so if you want to read the completed story it's on The title is the same (Violate Me) and my penname is BsBLady. I hope you like the ending!


@bsbgurl Btw, the other story that 50shadesoffarmiga "published" called Ghost Town is also a stolen story from The original author is Lovely Helena, and you really should read her AHS fics. They're awesome and so well written!


@bsbgurl I hope you like the rest of the story and Thank You! I don't post my stories on here, and if it weren't for one of my readers on letting me know that 50shadesoffarmiga posted my story as her own, I wouldn't have even known. Anyway, I really hope you like the end and I hope you give my other AHS fics a try!


@bsbgurl I really hope you enjoy the rest of the story and Thank You! I don't post my stories on here and if it wasn't for one of my readers on I wouldn't even have known that Violate Me was stolen. Anyway, hopefully you like the ending and read more of my fics!