
Hey y'all 
          	I'm am going on a brief hiatus for sometime coz something happened in my personal life.
          	I just don't want to keep y'all waiting for the next update. But I'm not in a position to write the chapters right now. I hope to update the chapters as soon as I can. <3 


@alexafindmeagoodbook @lana_ismymother thanks a lot for the support. Idk what I have done to deserve such nice readers   •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀


@arabellah- take care 
          	  We will be waiting.


@arabellah- take care of yourself. and know, that whenever you want to come back, we are here waiting to read your stories♥️


How does it feel to win someone's heart by just words author. Today I had a change yo come face to face with your book "the waves whisper" And oh gurl how much I regret it completing it in just 2 hours. I loved apoorv and roopali so much. The emotions I felt were surreal. The realistic touch was so good that I wish I had this e-novel as a paper book. I never enjoyed a story this much. Glad to say you are my one of the best and favourite author. This book got less recognition than it deserves, I hope everyone discovers this masterpiece one day. Please write more magnificent piece of art like this :) 


 ݊    ꒰ㅤ DEEP DIVE ㅤ꒱ㅤ something mysterious that the Queens of  Marina ᭡ have been talking about.
          The letters ◞ ◟ go out and it's something in the new libraryㅤ ੭୧
          “The empty bookshelf is waiting for books. ⇄ . who have taken part in fierce competition and won, ”  Queen Keeya ꔫ tells everyone at the inauguration of the library. “Our sharks will provide a detailed review on the aspect of the book you choose as a prize!”
          ᶻ z  Marina invites you, the participants of our previous project, Oceanus Masquerade to join us at ╰╮ Deep Dive ﹗
          Follow the ،، ˖ fishes  and find the library. Compete for your books and win our shark's take! ﹑ᝰ
          Take this path to Deep Dive  ::


Hey y'all 
          I'm am going on a brief hiatus for sometime coz something happened in my personal life.
          I just don't want to keep y'all waiting for the next update. But I'm not in a position to write the chapters right now. I hope to update the chapters as soon as I can. <3 


@alexafindmeagoodbook @lana_ismymother thanks a lot for the support. Idk what I have done to deserve such nice readers   •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀


@arabellah- take care 
            We will be waiting.


@arabellah- take care of yourself. and know, that whenever you want to come back, we are here waiting to read your stories♥️


Hey! I wanted you to know, that 'The Waves Whispered' is one of the best works I have read on wattpad. I cannot emphasise enough the emotions it brings out. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time excited for what would come next. More power to you. Can't wait to read more of your work!


@romancemuch heyy, thank you so much for saying that. It means a lot. I don't know how to express my gratitude to you and each and everyone who has read the story. <333


Wowwwww you started a new story?!!!


@Kmytho oh it's fine. I'll checkout the awards :)


@arabellah- Oh I see^^ I really loved your idea for the first story! I cannot read it now because I am hosting genre awards in May soo incase you participate I don't wanna be partial! Hehe~ Well good luck!!!!! 


@Kmytho yea, I was reading 'If we were villains' and I liked the aesthetics. So I thought why not write something like that :D 


Hey there!
          Thank you so much for the follow and the double update. I absolutely loved itttttttttttttttt. I am waiting so eagerly for the next chapter. Also if you would like do check out my works i guess. It would mean the world to me if you could leave a comment or two. A review from an author who is reaching far more audience and has much more writing experience is a good thing for my writing career.


@arabellah- awww i absolutely love reading your story. I am really enjoying it, and also i really love your writing doesn't seem like a beginner. I can clearly see your writing grow through the chapters. And thank you so much for adding my story to your reading list. It means the world to me. I hope I don't disappoint you.


@mylovewriting thank you so much for reading my story. It means a lot ❤️ 
            Ofc, I'd love to read your story ❤️ btw, my writing isn't that perfect, I'm just a beginner :)


Very thrilled and delighted to announce that 'The Waves Whisper' has won the first position in the Tricolour Triennial Awards 2023 conducted by @Indlegion. 
          Thank to the community, the judges and the readers. ❤️


@kat_reads4 thank you ❤️❤️


@arabellah- Congratulations  This is such an awesome newsss